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Old 02-20-2009, 08:06 AM   #171 (permalink)
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Default Chapter 38 Continued

Hey guys, here's the rest of the chapter. Let me know what you think. Sorry it's shorter than most.



Chapter 38: For Eternity cont

After the ceremony, when they had returned to the palacio, Tori finally had a chance to talk to her friends.

“Did Severus send for you?”

“We both got a message from him this morning, saying that it was your wedding day and if we would be so kind as to use the included pebble as a portkey at sundown. I must say, it was quite a surprise to us, as was the site of the wedding. Talk about magical!” Harry was deeply impressed.

Ron looked around in the palacio, his eyes scanning the priceless painting and other pieces of art. “Wow Tori, you never told us that dear old Snape was loaded.”

Tori felt a little awkward. “I didn’t know about that, besides, it’s his family’s house, so I don’t know if he…” but Harry interrupted her.

“So you don’t know where he’s taking you for your honeymoon yet?”

“Um…I assumed we would stay here, because we’re expected back at Hogwarts in two days.”

Harry and Ron exchanged a knowing smile. “That’s true, but until then…anyway, I’m sure that your hubby will take you there soon enough.”

She was intrigued, but knew that they wouldn’t tell her anything else. Therefore she changed the subject; there was something else that she had wanted to ask them.

“How’s Draco?”

Harry changed his smiling face to a serious expression. “He’s as well as can be expected I guess. When your ‘package’ arrived, he wasn’t in Arthur’s office, so we were able to break the news to him gently. He tried to not show any emotion, thinking that we wouldn’t understand, but luckily Shannon was there and I think he’s fine now.”
Ron intervened, “I don’t think any Order of Merlin Ceremony has ever been as exciting as this one. First you guys disappearing, then us barging in…it all must have happened quickly, because we had barely reached Arthur’s office to come up with a plan when Lucius’ body appeared in the fireplace. Say, what did you guys do to him exactly? He was covered in blood and it seemed that he had run into something big and sharp.”

“A sword?!” both young men gasped simultaneously. “Too long to explain, let’s just say that there was one at hand, and since we didn’t have our wands…”

Ron couldn’t quite take it in and he looked at Snape with a new level of respect. “I’ll bet it was awesome.” He sighed.

Tori gave him a fierce look. “Nothing of the sort, I was scared to death!”

Ron was going to ask more about the fight, but at that moment, Severus decided that it was time for him and his new bride to leave.

“Excuse me boys, but I think you have demanded enough of my wife’s time. I trust it you will be able to get back home?”

He had been very polite to them, but still, they couldn’t shake the feeling of being intimidated by him.

“Tori, if you’re ready, I’ll be outside on the patio.” With that he left them standing there.

Both Ron and Harry sighed in relief; they had almost expected him to yell ‘ten points from Gryffindor for monopolizing my wife’. His marriage certainly seemed to have softened him up.

“Well, I guess we will see you at the banquet.” Harry said and gave her a peck on the cheek. “Sorry, I had to kiss the bride.” He winked, “Oh…and before I forget…a wedding present.” He handed her both hers and Severus’ wands.

Ron kissed her on the cheek as well and said: “I still can’t get it…you’re married to Snape…but I’ll get used to it somehow…just…don’t go starting on any babies will you…that would be too much for me to take in.” He had a horrified look on his face, picturing his former Potions professor holding a little baby in his arms. He shuddered and said goodbye.

Tori laughed and thought that there was plenty of time to let them know. Maybe she wouldn’t say anything and just send them a card when the baby was born. No, that would be too cruel…wouldn’t it?

She turned around and headed for the patio, excited to find out where her husband was going to take her.
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