Heeeey Ama, first of all I'm going to stimulate your ego by saying that I really, really love your graphics. (That one you made for Evolette had me drooling) So therefore I am here with a request. ;P
I know you have a lot of requests at the moment, but I'm just asking for an avvie/siggie set for a character I think I am brining out next Hogwarts term. So even if you want to toss this in the queue for a month or so I wouldn't be mortified. XD Anyways...... here I go.
☆ Type of Graphic ☆: Sig/Avvie set.
☆ Dimensions ☆: [width]x[height].... 450x150-156
☆ Color Scheme ☆: I suck at these... i'll let you choose. But just to get you in character a bit, she's a tad cold. Vaguely nice yet somewhat synthetic :3
☆ Text ☆: Estella
☆ Picture(s) ☆: This, this, or this.
☆ Other/Comments ☆: I'm really not picky at all. Just maybe a little bit tired of the circle scheme, I don't mind one just as long as it's not the whole theme of it. XD
Can't wait to see what you do!