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Slytherin Fox Antonio arrived back into his classroom, feeling a little better about things at least. His students were still here as he had left them, and he observed that Jack had wisely closed off entrance to the office from the outside. Quick thinking in view of the circumstances! "I'm back," he announcing, stating the obvious. "Everyone is safe, all the families are there. Did anything happen that I should know about?"
ooc: Guys, just so you know, "Breaking the Curse" has qualified in the Vanishing Cabinet as well, so we can begin the hunt for Claxton whenever you're ready!
http://www.snitchseeker.com/vanishin...g-curse-62417/ Jack nodded "Thanks" he kept glancing back at John worriedly "I wrote to dad, and John is still KO" Jack said worriedly
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Danny Boy "No not really Jack wrote to his father" said Barry "Good they`re safe, hows Daniel?" he asked.
Jack nodded
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Esme "I want to be there. At the confrontation I mean." Sakura suddenly spoke up. "You can't stop me and you wont!" Sakura had been thinking about some things when Jack's words finally registered and no way was she just going to sit back and wait for a word that everyone was ok, when the did finally confront Claxton.
Jack then turned to Sak "Sak" he started softly "I don't want you there, If you get hurt... I'll probably do something stupid and get hurt trying to help you" Jack told her honestly "I can't lose you, I can't take the risk of putting you in danger for me" Jack shook his head "I am not going to be able to focus, I'll be too worried about you, unless you can show me you can protect yourself" Jack smiled wanting to give her a small chance, she wanted it so he had to give her options