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Oh lovely. Another little girl that was going to think she could flirt with him. He was 17 for goodness sake's! Did she really think he was going to flirt with someone 4 years younger then him? Maddox kept a smile on his face, trying to be polite. "You are forgiven. Just don't forget it again." He winked at her. Thats pretty much all she would get from him. A wink and a smile. Anything else would be considered jailbate and he wasn't having it. "I was just finishing up my charms homework. I actually need to get back to my dorm so I can write up my paper." He smiled.
She looked at him as he winked at her again. Was he trying to work his charms on her? Hmm, she could withstand that little trick. She stood up taller, um well as tall as she could with her 4 ft 6 in self. She wasn't the real height for a 14 year but if you told her that you would be nursing a busted lip.
"No I won't be forgetting that again." She laughed. There she was in command of this little encounter again.
"Oh well by all means. Don't let me keep you from your studies." She said. She would have liked to stay and talk to him more but he must have felt like he was hanging out with little kid or something, and he was just trying to get rid of her.
"Didn't mean to hold you up or anything." She said stooping down to gather up her things.