The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas. William whimpered, his hands moving to his knees- or what used to be his knees - until the Ravenclaw girl came up and stopped the spell. He nodded smiling a bit as the pain stopped his knees going back to normal before shaking his head and wiping his tears off his face. "I'm ... okay I think." He replied, "I didn't mean to hurt him ... I thought he'd block it." he said quickly looking over to the boy slumped on the wall.
He stood shakily, his legs wobbly but seemingly strong and walked with her the short distance, his wand held firmly in his hand. Casting the shielding charm on him, and glad that finally it managed to stay strong he looked down at the boy and sniffed once more. "I'm sorry man, seriously." he said shakily, trying to be strong.
__________________ Forget the future signature; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAH ARI!!! |