Character Name: Maura Felicia Silvermoon
Character Age: 14
Year in School: Third
Wand: Vine, Unicorn Hair, 9 3/4 inches. Soft but swishy.Good for defense and charms.
Pet: She has a kitten named Moon. Her fur is all white, save for a star shaped patch on her forehead and a crescent moon shaped patch next to her eye. Her eyes are violet just like Maura's.
Physical Description: Maura has elbow-length, glossy, wavy, milk chocolate colored hair with copper and dark chocolate colored streaks and sparkling violet eyes ringed with dark brown eyeliner. She always wears silver hoop earrings. Maura has semi-pale skin and she is about five foot six. Maura is slender. Her birthday is September 2. She enjoys dancing, singing, and swimming, and has an outgoing but dreamy personality. Maura keeps her wand in a special little wand-shaped brown leather purse that she wears buckled to her hip like a sword-sheath.
Here is a picture of Maura.
Maura is very happy at Hogwarts and misses her friends while away from them. Her best friend is Laylee Russell, who is amazing and wonderful! She also has many other friends besides and Maura probably couldn't survive without them.