Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
"Argggghhhhh!" Anna exclaimed, frowning at the "better on a broom" comment. "I can outrun, outlast, and out-fly you any day, Greenwood!" Anna took off running down the corridors, chasing after Paris and determined to hit her at least once before this little game ended. "Protego!" Anna called out, blocking Paris' spell while still running full-force. Since Paris was running, Anna needed another spell that would knock her right off her feet once and for all. Ahhh, the knee-reversing hex! With a wicked grin, Anna raised her wand and called out the incantation for the knee-reverser. "Take that, Greenwood!" she exclaimed.
She heard Anna's battle cry and she put on another burst of speed as they rounded yet another corner. She was enjoying this little chase. She could be the fastest runner in Hogwarts.
"You haven't caught me yet Prefect," She taunted again. She did a running cart wheel to show Anna that she wasn't going to catch her at all. At least not on her feet. She side stepped Anna's spell once again. She laughed.
"Diffindo!" She said pointing at Anna's clothes. She didn't stay to see what happened as she spotted a hidden doorway behind a tapestry and she was tired of running around the castle.
"Better luck next time Anna!" She shouted before she disappeared behind a tapestry.