Funny Beauty
Herminny walked down to the dungeons into the detention waiting center a little apprehensive of what Proffessor Vindictus would have her do for detention but strangely a little exited because it was her first detention and she thought to herself, I'll be strong no matter what the professor has in store for me.
Herminny then signed her name on the list and waited for Proffessor Vindictus to come and tell her which detention chamber she would be serving her detention in.
Herminny then sat down in an empty seat in thee back and thought hmm,which detention chamber would I end up in, she knew of them all, none particularly pleasant. Mabe the criminal cell for she had said something after the professor told her to leave without saying a word. Or mabe the torture chamber, proffessor Vindictus sure seemed like the type to send her there. Or mabe the hooligan hole, but this was her first offense he could/nt send her there, atleast she hoped not. Then Herminny's mind drifted to two doors of detention centers she was not familiar with, Love's Lair, and Pranksters Penetentary. She thought Loves Lair, if she ever ended up their it would be years from now. Then her mind drifted to Pranksters Penitentary, why had she not heard of that one, had no one commited a prank as of yet, she wondered what could happen to the first person that ended up their if anyone would end up there. Then her mind drifed to one last detention chamber which she had seen, the door read deuling chamber, fighting she thought, I don't think I'll ever find myself their, I'm a tiny first year, I would get creamed whether it be actual fighting or duel. Then Herminny's mind shifted to everything and anything to entertain herself till Professor Vindictus showed up.
Last edited by Rosa Chispa Princessa; 02-18-2009 at 12:53 AM.