Originally Posted by
Whitterz She smiled as he started over again. There, that is much better...
"Nice to meet you, Cam," she said as she found out that the two were best friends. A bit of an odd pairing, but whatever. She gave a chuckle and said, "What were you possibly doing in the Potions lab to cause that?"
"Wait, did you just call me a lemur?" Blink. This kid was just weird.
Jake frowned down at Cameron.
"Quit calling me that, you nutter," he exclaimed, releasing his hold on the boy. Oh yes, they were best friends... it just... wasn't all that obvious.
"I... erm..." Jake looked back up to Lima... the lemur.
"I should really... go..." he muttered. "Homework and such, ya know?" Jake turned around for a second, keeping his eye open for anyone who was about to jump out at him... again.
"See ya later, Whiggly Worm... Have fun talking to Cameron..." That'll be... interesting...
That being said, Jake bolted suddenly down the corridor and out of sight.