Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight
Well, taking off wasn't an issue, nor was being in the air.
Jake just wasn't sure how many times he could faceplant the ground before it became painful.
Picking himself up, Jake mounted his broom and took off, flying once around the practice pitch before trying again to land. "ACK!" Jake hesitated at the last moment and then leaned back too suddenly. he rolled backwards in the air before hitting the ground, the broom landing on top of him.
"Okay..." He muttered. "Can't win 'em all... Try again, Jakers..." And with that, Jake mounted the broom and took off for another try.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate!
Last edited by Felixir; 02-16-2009 at 10:48 PM.
Reason: epic coding fail