OH NO I MISSED TWO POSTS! omgly!! Im terrible!! *smacks self in forehead* how could i?! I don't even have a really good excuse, except for the fact i am currently in an ice rink watching a championship game for my sister's hockey team's tournament, and my mom is yelling at me to get of the freaking computer...oh well. im going to stay on it. Aww theres a little boy running around with his juice cup, saying "juice, juice, juice, juice." its cute!! HEY MY SISTERS ON THE ICE! *runs off momentarily* GO ABBY GO! *runs back* shes off. so anyways, done with the babbling. i hope.
I loved the pillow part, and i am happy james is safe.

but i feel bad for scorpius still...his dad is so not...loving. Im not sure thats the word i want....but still
P.S. Sorry if im wearing off on Emily...