Thread: Harry Potter: Apostollo - Sa16+
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Old 02-16-2009, 04:02 PM   #192 (permalink)
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Join Date: Apr 2007
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Posts: 416

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Angie Palimor
First Year

Thanks for posting everyone...this chapter is a happy one too, since I kind of overdo it with the sad ones and since there are more sad ones coming...:evillaugh.... anyway post and tell me what you think.

Chapter 16 continue

"Hey", Scorpius said as he came in. Harry had just gone out helping Draco and James was leaning against some cushions on the bed. He turned and looked at him.
"Hey", James smiled as the boy sat in an chair.
"So are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine", James nodded. Scorpius tried not to stare at James' bruises but he really couldn't help it, they were everywhere on the boy's face. He was rather clammy and just by looking at him you were getting the feeling that he was too weak and tired to stand on his feet; it was also rather easy to tell that he had been crying. He knew that James would never admit it but it was evident that he was far from fine and Scorpius couldn't help but feeling shame for abandoning him rush through him.
"James, if I knew what they'd...I...I wouldn't have left..." Scorpius said apologetically and James rolled his eyes.
"Why? So you'd be hurt as well? How would that have helped me, Scorpius?"
"Yes, but..."
"It's okay", James stopped him and the boy laughed.
"You just can't stand it when someone has more interesting things to say than you do, can you?" he said mockingly, knowing that, that was exactly what James needed at the moment.
"Oh, shut up!" James said and threw a pillow at him, which Scorpius caught in the air and threw back at him. "Dude! I'm still hurt!" James exclaimed, avoiding the pillow. "How can you be throwing pillows at an injured man?" he added laughing.
"Oh, that is so dramatic!" Scorpius smirked ironically. "So, did you hear?"
"We're in Austria...Salzburg", Scorpius said.
"Yeah, my dad told what?"
"So what? Well, if you leave out the Death Eaters aren't you excited to be in Mozart's hometown?"
"Who's Mozart?" James asked and Scorpius rolled his eyes.
"Oh, my God! How can you be a musician and also be musically retarded at the same time?"
"He's a musician? Then how don't I know him? Wait...he's a Muggle?" James asked.
"Well, yeah he was, but..."
"Then how would I know him? How do you know him anyway?"
"Hello, Muggle Studies!" Scorpius said waving at him.
"I'm not taking that lesson", James shrugged.
"I do, but don't tell my father. Anyway, still you're supposedly a singer and a guitarist", Scorpius pointed out.
"Supposedly?" James repeated narrowing his eyes.
"Yeah, Mozart is a legend of music and you don't..."
"I know all about music in the magical world, if you have to know!" James said irritated.
"You know...I'm gonna miss arguing with you", Scorpius smiled and James looked at him with his left eyebrow raised.
"Don't worry we'll have a lot of time to do that at school", he said and Scorpius looked at him.
"James, we don't talk at school", he pointed out and James smiled.
"No, we didn't talk at school", he corrected him. "You won't get rid of me so easily, now that I know how fun is to tease you...and given the fact that you're friends with my brother I'd be able to mock both of you together!" James said but Scorpius didn't laugh, instead he looked at him seriously.
"You mean it or did you just bang you head too hard?" he asked.
"Well, as a matter of fact I did bang my head too hard, but I mean it. Believe it or not, after all of these, I actually came to like you". James said seriously and Scorpius smiled.
"So, I take it that you've changed your mind about Slytherins?" the boy asked James.
"Not really", he replied shaking his head. "I just decided to add you to my list".
"List? What list?"
"The Slytherins I do not hate list", James explained with casualty.
"Oh, you really do live in your own little world, don't you?" Scorpius said sarcastically.
"No, it's more like that this right here is my world and the rest of you just happen to live in it, so I won't be getting bored", James corrected him with a rather serious face, which only made Scorpius laugh more.
"You really are crazy!" he said when he stopped laughing.
"Well, thank you", James said narrowing his eyes again just as Harry and Draco came in, followed by Ron. "Uncle Ron!" James exclaimed.
"Hey, there's my favorite nephew!" Ron smiled and walked over to hug him.
"Where's the food?" James asked when he let go of him. Ron laughed and opened his backpack.
"Well, I got you hotdogs and chocolate!"
"Hotdogs and chocolate? How are those two related?" Draco asked taking a box with chocolates.
"Well, they're really hot for hotdogs around here, but the whole city was also filled with little shops that sold chocolates, so..." Ron shrugged.
"Who's the old man on the box?" Draco asked.
"It's Mozart", Harry and Scorpius said together.
"Whatever", James said. "I'm famished".
"Yeah, me too", Ron nodded. "We should have eaten something in that strip club because my stomach is so empty that..."
"Wait", James interrupted him. "What strip club? You went to a strip club?"
"Yeah, because that was where Dolohov send a letter from...that's how we found you", Harry explained.
"I have only one thing to say", Ron said seriously. "You two are really lucky that I went with them, because they couldn't take their eyes off the stripping ladies".
"Ron!" Harry exclaimed.
"Dad!" James exclaimed back before his uncle could say anything.
"Don't believe him...he's lying!" Harry said angrily. "About me at least!" he added turning to look at Draco.
"Yeah, he is", Draco nodded. "I behaved and you...well, I'm sorry Harry, but you couldn't stop drooling!" he said to Harry, whose mouth fell open.
"Wow, dad, seriously? What's mum gonna say?" James asked.
"Don't listen to them!" Harry shouted. "Ron, tell him the truth!" he demanded.
"I can't...Draco already said it", the man shrugged.
"I did", Draco nodded.
"Okay, just so you know, the only thing that stops me from committing a double murder right now, it's that I cannot decide whom I should kill first!"
"You shouldn't kill are you gonna go back to the strip club if get locked up in Azkaban?" Draco asked.
"I'm not gonna go back!" Harry yelled outraged. "You two were the ones who were drooling! I wasn't even in the stripping room! I was upstairs with that Monica!"
"Upstairs with a woman in a strip club", Ron said to James.
"Wow!" James exclaimed.
"Ron!" Harry yelled. "Stop saying nonsense to my son!"
"But Harry you always say that we shouldn't lie to kids!"
"It's okay dad...I'm not gonna tell mum", James said reassuringly.
"What? You believe him?" Harry asked.
"Well...", the boy said raising his shoulders. His father hit his foot on the floor and James burst into laughing. "Sorry, uncle, I couldn't help it", he said to Ron.
"It's okay; he was ready to hex me anyway!"
"You guys had agreed to play me? When did that happen?'
"A wink was enough for me to play along, dad", James shrugged.
"Oh, really?" Harry said and before either of them could react he had hit each of them with a pillow.
"Ouch! Why are you people keep hitting me with pillows? I'm hurt for God's sake!" James said dramatically.
"Hey, my pillow didn't get you", Scorpius reminded him and the boy stung out his tongue at him. Harry though threw Ron off the bed and then pushed James back on it.
"You're right; you are still hurt", Harry nodded. "You need to rest and we should be ashamed for stretching you!" he added giving Ron a murderous look.
"What? Come on, dad, I was joking!" James said indignantly trying to sit up again but Harry kept him lying down.
"Yes, but I'm not", he said warningly.
"If you don't want the bed, maybe somebody else should..." Draco interrupted but stopped when Harry looked at him angrily. "Well, okay, where the rest of us are going to sleep?"
"We can sleep in the car", Ron suggested. "It's big enough for the four of us".
"What?" James said worriedly; he didn't want to be left alone.
"No, I'll stay here with Jamie", Harry said and the boy sighed relieved.
"Okay then", Draco said as he ate a hotdog. "And by the first light we're out of here!"

A while later, Ron, Draco and his son had gone of to sleep in the car, leaving Harry and James back. Harry was still cleaning off the mess they left behind and James was watching him lying on the bed.
"What?" Harry said immediately averting his eyes to his son with an alarmed look on his face.
James wanted to say something and yet he seemed unable to find words to do so. Harry stopped everything he was doing, walked around the table and sat down beside the bed; his head slightly over James and his pillow.
"What is it?" he asked him again unable to shake the alarm off his voice. James sighed.
"Dolohov...he said...he said that Apostollo wanted me to join them".
"What?" Harry said incredulously.
"He said that it would be the best way to hurt...well, you", James said. Harry didn't respond to that, but he couldn't help but agree with it. "So, what if, since I didn't agree, they go for Al or Lilly next time?" James asked him concerned.
"That's what you're worrying for?" Harry asked him and the boy nodded. Harry shook his head rubbing the boy's arm. "Ever since they took you, we doubled the protection around our house, there is no way that they'll be able to get in or get to any of you again".
"Right", James nodded rolling over to his back and starring at the ceiling. "And it's not like they'll be so stupid as to run off, like I did".
"Jamie", Harry said shaking his head. "You can't blame yourself for what happened; it wasn't your fault".
"Well, whose fault was it then?" James challenged him. Harry bit the inside of his bottom lip, knowing that he couldn't say 'mine' and expect James to agree with it.
"Theirs", he said. "They're the only ones to blame that we can't live our lives properly and that's why we have to stop them".
"I would never have joined them", James said vehemently turning to him again. Harry smiled at him, his chest filling with pride.
"I know", he said and then he got up, picked up the blanket and covered the boy with it. "Go to sleep, you need it".
"Where are you going to sleep?" James asked him.
"On the armchair", Harry replied pointing at the small, armchair at the corner of the little house.
"Are you sure you don't want to go with the others? I'll be okay", James lied easily, while wishing that his father wouldn't accept the offer.
"No, it's okay", Harry shook his head. "I want to stay with you".
"What?" Harry asked as he sat in the armchair.
"Thank you", James whispered, but before Harry had a chance to reply, the boy had drifted off into sleep.

It was still really early in the morning when Harry, Ron and James arrived home. Draco and Scorpius had gone off to their place, but they would see them tomorrow again, because the two kids had to testify to the auror office.
When they apparated in the kitchen, James lost his balance, but Harry held him. His face was getting paler and paler every time they apparated, but still when they arrived, he looked around excited.
"So here we are", Ron smiled.
"I can't believe I'm back home", James said and Harry rubbed his back.
"Believe it", he told him. "And no one is taking you away again".
James smiled at his father and nodded; his eyes welling up.
"Actually no one did take him away from here; he run away", Ron said.
"Ron!" Harry said rolling his eyes as James lowered his head; Ron bit his lower lip. Harry gave him an exasperate look before turning to James again. "So what do you say we go find your mum?" he said and James' face brightened almost immediately.
"Yeah, okay", he nodded. "But she will be sleeping".
"Oh, I'm sure she'd want us to wake her up", Harry said and led the boy upstairs as Ron drifted to his and Hermione's room. "Stay here", Harry told his son and he opened the door.
He walked in to find Ginny sleeping on his side of the bed, her red hair falling on her face. Harry smiled and sat on the edge of the bed next to her. He leaned down so that his face was so close to hers that her warm breath landed on his neck.
"Gin", he whispered stroking her cheek. "Ginny".
She blinked scared by the presence of someone else, but when she saw the bright green eyes above her, she smiled.
"Harry!" she said hugging him, as she was sitting up. Harry hugged her back but after a few seconds she let go of him and smacked him on the head.
"Ouch! What was that for?"
You've been gone for almost two days! I've been worrying sick!" she said angrily.
"Oh, come on Gin, I was looking for something to lead me to our son", he said.
"So did you find anything?" she asked with craving in her voice. He smiled.
"Well, yeah, I did find something..." he said and kissed her, before she could ask him what.
"That's gross", a voice said and Ginny turned to see James standing at the door. Her eyes widened in shock and then she screamed and run to him.
"JAMES!" she exclaimed hugging him tightly. "Oh, honey, you're here! You're back! Are you okay?" she asked letting go of him and looking worried at his pale face, as she took his hands into hers.
"Yeah mum I'm fine", he smiled, feeling his eyes sting with tears again. She smiled back excited but then her eyes fell on his hands and on the deep scars on them and her smile faded.
"Your hands...oh baby, what did they do to you?" she whispered.
"It's okay mum", the boy shrugged. "The scars will go away by time".
"I'm gonna kill them", she said quietly shaking her head, while hot tears started running down her face. Then she kissed his cheek and hugged him again more tightly.
"Mum, you're suffocating me!" James said laughing just as the rest of the house residents run into the room, after obviously Ron woke them up. Ginny let go of her son, so that the rest of them could hug him and turned to her husband, who was watching them from the bed. He smiled at her and she hugged him.
"You brought him back alive!" she whispered in his ear.
"I had promised you", he whispered back kissing her neck. She sat next to him and he looked at her just as Hermione was suffocating James too. "I've been gone for two days and you've gotten bigger!" he said smiling.
"Well, get used to it, because for the next six and a half months I have left until I give birth, I will be big!"
"And you'll look beautiful", he said kissing her cheek and she smiled pleased. "How's our little one?"
"What little one?" James asked having heard of him.
"Oh, that's right, you don't know!" Ginny smiled.
"Know what?"
"Mum is pregnant", Albus said and James' mouth fell open.
"Shut up!" he exclaimed.
"Yep", Lily nodded. "We're gonna have another sibling!"
"That's great!" James smiled and walked to his mother, to give her another hug. "I mean it will be great if the baby isn't like Al, because having two problematic kids in the family..." he said but he didn't finish his sentence because Albus picked a pillow from the floor and threw it to him. He avoided it and looked at his dad pulling a sad face. "Why is everyone keep throwing pillows at me?"



Last edited by onar; 05-08-2011 at 06:12 PM.
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