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Anna Banana Anna was slightly aware of her professor's nearby presence, but she continued to stay alert and focused on shielding herself from the ever-growing rainstorm of acorns. She sharply nodded once as he commented on her progress, happy to hear that she'd pleased him in at least a small way. A "not bad" from Professor Kazimeriz was worth a lot more than a "not bad" from most other professors. This particular "not bad" had to be more than just a little well-earned. She swallowed hard, willing the cotton in her throat to go down so that she could manage some sort of reply. "Yes, sir. Thank you," she said, still focused on the pelting acorns. Once again, she positioned her wand toward the falling acorns and moved it in a sweeping, upward arc. When it came time to end the motion with a sharp snap of her wrist, Anna pivoted her wrist more to the right and leaned forward a bit more. She glared at the acorns pelting down, sure that she could manage shielding more than just one now. "Protego!" she called out, hoping to see many more acorns bouncing off.
Anna watched as several more acorns bounced away from her shield. She was correctly casting the charm, or so she thought, but her casting wasn't proving to be effective enough. She was supposed to be blocking
all the acorns, and so far she'd only blocked
one the first try and a few the second try. Anna drew in a deep breath and continued to focus on her target---the ever-pouring rainfall of acorns. She forcefully raised her wand into the air, leaned in, and made the familiar sweeping, upward arc. A sharp snap of her wrist and a pivot to the right later, she called out, "Protego!" This time, the acorns directly above her head---all of them, how many ever that may be---bounced away from her shield.
She'd only managed to get the ones directly above her, though. She still hadn't shielded
all Without pausing or stopping a beat, Anna thrust her wand further into the sea of acorns. She was going to get it this time. She could feel it in the very depths of her heart! She confidently swept upward with her wand, all the while focusing on the acorns pelting down upon her. She snapped her wrist and pivoted to the right, just as she'd been told.
Concentrate...focus...concentrate...focus... "Protego!" she exclaimed. Anna soon found herself protected from all the acorns trying to crash down on her. She felt as if she had her own umbrella hovering over her head, protecting her from anything and everything that would come her way. She'd done it! She'd successfully casted all the acorns away from her.