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"What did you see?" The professor asked and smiled.
Anna blushed and then looked down to her feet. It had been tough telling
Cale what she'd seen. It would probably be even tougher to tell someone else...a
professor at that. Anna took a deep breath and then looked back up at Professor Lupa, staring into her eyes for a few moments before finally speaking up. "I saw my boyfriend carrying two babies," she said. The words had come out her mouth easier than she thought they would. It wasn't so scary talking to a professor about your boyfriend and future children after all. "At first, I thought Cale was standing in the room with me. As I looked into the mirror, I spoke to him, asking him whose children he was holding. Then, when I finally learned the story behind the mirror I was looking into, I knew that the babies were...were...
his." Blushing once again, Anna softly laughed and then looked away. "What about you? What did you see?"