Welcome To The Runes Gallery

Professor Lupa has decided she will allow all students to see other student's work and so she has opened a gallery to do so. Enjoy.
Gallery Etiquette - Do not touch the works of art or sculpture and please observe the 20-centimeter rule (staying 20 centimeters away.)
- Quick-draw quills and other copying devices are not permitted in the gallerie.
- For the enjoyment of all our guests, please silence all pets and do not allow owls to make their business on the floor
- Casting of any kind is not permitted anywhere in the gallery.
- Food and drink are not permitted in the gallery.
- Objects such as brooms, packages and purses larger than 11 × 14 inches, backpacks (self levitating or no,) and umbrellas are not permitted in the gallery.
Thank you for your cooperation.
~Professor Alessia Lupa