Thread: Saarik Manor
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Old 02-14-2009, 02:51 PM
LonelyLupin LonelyLupin is offline
quill Saarik Manor

Vacation Time at Saarik Manor!

It's the Christmas holidays after Chandan Vaill Saarik's sixth seventh year. After the discovery that he and his ultimate best (and sort of only) friend were in love - helped partly by Chandan's supposed flight from all known elements - and their graduation, he invited her around for Christmas, knowing that she would be alone after family circumstances.

The RP will start with Chandan waiting with his family for Laylee's arrival at the Manor - named Utocrulas - which is imposing and has a deserted, neglected look about it - a look of history.


Chandan Vaill Saarik (plus Phoenix, the annoying blue toad) ~ LonelyLupin
Laylee ~ Keysquah
Phoenix Edge Saarik; Miles Saarik; Perfecterie Saarik - part of a Quadruplet - ; twins and widowed (single) twin - younger sisters - ; three older sisters and the two parents ~ LonelyLupin (bearing in mind that they will not all be RP'd at once, and some mostly cannot, being either too young or away from home)
William Thornton and Cressida Lupin (plus family - Bunny/Harold, Lupus, Selena - etc) - may or may not be mentioned, but just in case - ~ LonelyLupin

Please PM me when you are ready to RP

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