Thread: Waiting Room
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Old 02-14-2009, 03:54 AM   #415 (permalink)
Golden Monkey
Dark Force Defense League
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Originally Posted by angelwing View Post
ooc: Ok ya' lol. I've had tooooons of stuff going on from two migraines in a week to storms to family so I'm muchos sorry for not being on the past few days. Things have been nuts.

Things went from crazy to hectic to floodgates opening all in the span of minutes. Merry looked around the room and took a deep breath. She pulled up a chair and stood on it and clapped her hands to get attention.

"Ok, everybody listen up. If you are not sick or bleeding or here for any specific reason for healing, I need you to leave. Go to the common room or lake or somewhere and your friend will find you when I am finished. Next I need those that have headaches or are feeling nauseus to move over here and those with bruises and bleeding to move over there." She pointed to separate areas of the room. Headaches etc on the left, bruises to her right.

After saying that, she continued. "Now I realize some are a combination of both and you can congregate more towards the center of the room here and if you are unable to move at all, just stay where you are and I'll come to you."

With that said, Meredith climbed down off the chair and headed towards her cabinets grabbing handfulls and armfulls of vials, potions and creams etc while she waited for the kids to move to the specific areas of the room she had designated.
William was almost asleep in the corner, his eyes red and puffy from the spell which exploded in his face. He stood up and moved slowly to the left, though he didn't have a headache, his eyes was seriously starting to get worse. Who knew a backfiring spell could do this much damage, especially when he had done it himself.

Stepping over to the corner he sighed, sliding down and waiting. A slight pounding began behind his eyes and he closed it, savoring the peacefulness that came with it. The noise around him didn't bother him,nothing bothered him, but this soft nudging pain was close to bothering him. He didn't speak up though, knowing there were worse kids than him. He could handle a little eye pain.
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