*randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm) Quote:
Originally Posted by druidflower
"I don't act single!" Tobi yanked his friend down from the wall unceremoniously, catching her in one arm as she yelped. "Oh don't be like that, I've got you." He set her down on the ground maybe a little harder than he normally would have. He held tight to her waist without even thinking about it.
"Now," he blustered. "I simply have friends. I'm NICE to people. Lots of them happen to be girls. Celandine for instance is a really nice girl, clever thing, her brother isn't at Hogwarts anymore, she misses him. I know how that feels. Hannah and her brother yes, I have lots of friends who are guys too, are in most of my classes, we get along. And it really isn't my fault that I'm the only boy on the entire starting Quidditch team is it?" It suddenly occured to Tobi that he hadn't told Aggie he'd made the team yet, the lists had only come out that morning. He braced himself for her reaction but they seemed to be delayed, so he took the opportunity to yammer further.
"And if I got a girlfriend, what if she were all possessive and such? Maybe she wouldn't like it that my best friend were a girl? Maybe she wouldn't let me hang around with you? Did you ever think of that?" That thought made something heavy land hard in the pit of his stomach, like he swallowed a bludger. How terrible would it be if he couldn't hang around with Aggie? Or any of his friends. Them too... ”Hey!” she yelled as Tobi pulled her down. She grabbed hold of his arm and when he put her down on the ground she shook her head a little. Normally she didn’t like being manhandled, but Tobi did it to her all the time despite her protesting. She didn’t protest too much this time. Maybe she was getting used to him tossing her around like a doll, then again maybe she finally realized that all her protesting didn’t do anything so she might as well save her breath.
She listened, leaning into him a little as the wind whipped up some more leaves and blew down the street from behind them pushing her hair into her face. She hadn’t realized Tobi was so popular – especially with the girls. She wasn’t sure how much she liked that, but she wasn’t about to tell him he couldn’t hang out with people. Besides, why would she want him around all the time.
“If,” she said in response to his question. It was quite clear in Aggie’s book. She wasn’t property and therefore any significant others she might have weren’t property either.
“You had a girlfriend who wouldn’t let you hang out with the people you wanted to, then you shouldn’t’ be dating – wait you made the team?” She backhanded him in the chest. “When were you planning to tell me!? After the rest of the school knew?”
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