G1GGL3R! *giggles* My GarBear Briskly stalking into the practice room that had been assigned to them, Terry came to a stop several yards away from his chosen target. Right, first things first. Drawing out his wand from his jeans' pockets, he twirled it around in his experimentally, trying to recollect what that protection charm they'd been given had been. Impiriano, was it? He totally hadn't heard that from the blonde the next target down at all, hehe.
Clearly stating the spell aloud, Terry whooped to himself as the familiar blue glow surrounding him. He was almost tempted to throw him across several targets just to then smirk smugly at them as the evil arrows bounced off him uselessly. But naaaah, he didn't think he should be pushing his luck here.
Right. The actual spell, he remembered easily enough. As he collected his goggles and snapped them over his head, he murmured the incantation to himself several times in preparation.
Hokai, here goes. His feets planted firmly on the ground, he brandished his wand fiercely in the air, declaring 'Shrowan!', thrilled when an arrow shot out, then a second later winced as it dug hard into the wall about a METRE away from the stoopid target before flopping onto the ground. OOPS. Hastily covering up the indentation that had been left behind on the plaster, he swept his hair of his forehead, ready for a second attempt.
Maybe he'd been getting a little too excited with his wand-waving? Hrrm. Narrowing his eyes as he focused on the rings of his target at the far end of the room, then took in a clearing breath. 'Shrowan.' Terry waited with baited breath, only allowing a tiny sigh of relief as the arrow this time pierced the edge of the target comfortably. WOOOT.
One final attempt? Nawwww. He was kinda getting into this! Taking on a sideways stance again, he cocked his head to the side, dragging his wand up into the air and aligning it with the very centre of the board. Flicking his wand forward, he murmured the spell for the third time. The arrow whizzed through the air, nicking into the very edge of the bull's eye, and Terry huffed, mildly disappointed. Still, he had all of the summer to practice, right? His sister would make a perfect target.
Feeling pleased, he dropped his safety goggles back onto the main table, then swished his wand at himself, examining himself as the blue glow vanished. He could go now! WOOT. No more homework for the evening, he was FAMISHED. |