Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret
Yes, her spell may have been muddled in the pronunciation department and indeed in the aiming department also, but let us not forget that this is Varius Tipps. In an attempt to dodge this spell, he ended up running right into it.
"Bugger!" he screamed as the spell's impact shoved him to reunite with the floor once more. However, due to the mis-cast of the spell its effects were slightly different than anticipated. Instead, Varius was running around the platform at super fast speeds - the complete opposite of the spells normal purpose.
"Weeeeeeeeeeeeee," he yelled, buzzing around the dueling arena, "Riddikulus!" It wasn't until after he cast it and his hyperactive spell wore off that he realised what that spell was actually for... wonder what it did to humans...
__________________ When I look into the MIRROR OF ERISED
all that I see is YOU
*wink* |