Chapter 30
''Alright... 10 minutes... You two better get ready...'' Jamie said as Alicia vnished from in front of him.
''He's on his way now... Harry and me will be in he roo just off here... Ginny, make sure you speak for Harry, remember he's lost his voice... Ron, Look after the ohers while he's here... Jamie, no curses of punches are to be aimed at Malfoy until I say so...'' She said as she walked forwards from he corner she was standing in. As she passed Jamie, he pulled a face at her. 'I saw that as well...''
Harry laughed and opened the door to the chamber off the Hall. He ooked round and remembered the last time he was here. His name had just come out the Goblet of Fire and the others were waiting in here. He remembered where Cedric had stood when he entered the room.
''Don't think like that Harry... It's not your fault'' She said as she stepped up to him.
''Lets get this over with...'' He said and took her hand. ---
Jamie watched Alicia disappear into the next room before appearing next to him in another minute.
The room was silent as they waited for the visitor. Alicia loooked round andlaughed. ''You need to act like you don't know he's coming! Otherwise it gives us away!'' People were talking amongst hemselves now and hary was standing beside Ginny and Alicia, who was standing next to Jamie, talking quietly.
''Don't worry so much! It will work! As soon as he realises that we're not actually there it'll be too late... Just remember, Stun him when I nod at you'' She whispered, listening out for the large oak doors.
''I can't help it... What if something goes wrong? This is Malfoy we're talking about...'' Jamie said as he glanced towars he doors.
''Don't worry! If anything goes wrong, curse him straight away...'' She smiled as she looked up at him.
''And if he hurts you?''
''Then you can punch him, but after I do though'' She winked at him before turning and looking at Harry.
''We're up...''
Everyone tensed slightly as they heard her comment. It was only two minutes later that th doors of the great Hall crashed open and Malfoy stood in he doorway.
''Potter. Daniels, sorry, Starlight'' He sneered as he strolled into the room. ''Ready for a road trip?''
Alicia cocked an eyebrow. ''Road tri? Don't think Muggle terms are your thing Malfoy...'' Jamie laughed and Harry smiled, facial expressions being the only way he could communicate now.
''Don' try to be funny Mudblood'' Draco's smirk had disappeared from his face as he stepped towards her. Jamie stepped in front of her and glared at him.
''Say that again...'' he spat at him as Alicia stepped round him.
''Let it drop Jamie... We can't be rude to our visitor...'' he said quickly, shooting him a warning look before glaring at malfoy, who had started laughing.
''My God! You actually let her boss you around like that? Are you he one wearing the white dress?'' Jamie was acually shaking with anger and Ron put a hand on his shoulder to keep him there.
''What do you want Draco?'' Mafoy stopped laughing at looked at he girl who stepped forwards.
''It's got nothing to do with you Maria... Go back to your friends'' He said as he nodded towards Amelia and George who stood close by. George's hand curled into a fist and Ameia elbowed him.
''What do you want?'' Maria repeated and Maloy winked at her.
''Well... Starlight- to- be and Potter was what I was told to collect at first but then my orders changed...'' Alicia and Harry swapped startled looks.
''Changed? Changed how?'' Ginny said as Harry glanced at her. Mafoy turned to look at her and smiled.
''I've come to talk... Nothing more'' He said and Maria laughed.
''Ha! Yeah, right... And my names Matthew... Seriously, what do you want?''
''A couple of things really... Potter and the Mudblood to actually be in the room would be one of them...'' He said nodding towards the door behind him. Alicia looked at Jamie, who nodded, before grabbing Harry's hand and disappearing.
''Happy now?'' Alicia said coldly as she walked out with Hary following her.
''Very... Now, As I said earlier... You're to come with me'' He said, a smile hinting at his mouth. He lied and thy believed him.
''No. I'll think I'll pass thanks... Tell your master hat I said I would rather shoot myself than see him again... Shooting myself would be something Muggles do'' Alicia added on the end, her tone changing. It sounded like she was talking to a three year old.
''No need... I was told that if you don't, you die now instead of later so...'' Malfoy shrugged and drew his wand.
''Is that realy a good idea Draco?'' Maria said as everyone around them drew their own wands as well. ''Everyone in this room owns a wand, and your on the oher side and alone...''
''Aww... Don't worry your pretty little head Maria... I'm not alone...'' He said as he waved a hand behind him. About 50 other Death Eaters walked through the doors into the Hall. ''Now, if the Mudblood's finished...'' The rest of Malfoy's sentence was cut of as Alicia slapped him round he face. She hit him that hard, he fell to the floor.
That was it. The fight started again, only, this time in a small, inclosed space which was more dangerous as spells hit the walls and ricotied back into the fight. ~*~*~
I have found Alicia and she is now chained to a chair. There's no way she can escape now! It's metal chains and they have at least five padlocks on them! Ha! Your safe now Angie...
Abi... xox
__________________  I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror |