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Tomasina Riddle She nodded at him. "Thats good I can't even seem to keep an eye on you." She giggled. She looked him up and down as he said he had too much sugar. "Well sometimes its ok to over indulge in sugar. Merlin knows that I do. Chocolate is my downfall." She admitted. "How did you get on the wrong side of a lampost?" She asked him.
Jake looked up, shiftily.
"Maybe it's best that people don't keep an eye on me..." he grinned a little evilly before hearing the next question.
"Well," Jake took a deeeeeeeeep breath.
"I was in Honeydukes, and i had a leeeeettle bit of toffee, and I was running from Cameron before he realised something. And theeeeeeen I couldn't slow down, because I was all hyper, and I ran in circles."
Jake looked up to check she was still listening.
"And Cameron threw a chocolate frog in the air for me... for some reason... and it went in my face, and and and and and I got rid of it... then I didn't see the lampost..." Jake replayed the memory.
"And I ran into it..."
It really was quite humourous, until Jake remembered.
"I got blood all over my T-shirt," he said, a little downhearted.