Thanks for posting, here's some more, it's not much but the next one won't take so long.
Chapter 15 continue
The Death Eater fell at Harry's legs hit by a stunning spell from Malfoy. Harry was frozen. He was more scared than he had ever been in his entire life. The Death Eater told them where the boys were; he told them that they were not together because James had tried to get out; he had tried to get out and now the Death Eaters were making him regret it...he told them he was in the torturing room. Harry gulped. What had they done to him? Was he okay? Was he even alive?
Malfoy was staring at him. Harry closed his eyes. He wasn't helping James from here and he definitely wasn't going to help him if he panicked; he had to focus. He opened his eyes and looked at Malfoy.
"Okay listen", he said. "Since the boys are not together I think that each should go find his son...and we'll meet Ron with them where we agreed".
Malfoy sighed and nodded. They looked at each other for a few seconds, not so sure of what to say, but then they just nodded and walked in different directions, making their separate ways towards their sons.
Scorpius had fallen asleep sitting on the cold floor of his cell in James' favorite corner. These last days had exhausted him and anyway he just couldn't keep looking at the four walls around him anymore; they were suffocating. A loud bang from outside awaked him though.
He groaned and got up. What did they want again? But no one came in during the next seconds and he could hear voices and yelling. What was happening? He approached the door carefully, pulling his chain with him. The noise stopped. Just as he reached as close to the door as he could, it flung open.
The boy's jaw dropped as he saw his father looking back at him. Draco sighed relieved and walked in.
"" the boy mumbled.
"Are you okay?" Draco asked and the boy nodded. His father patted his shoulder aand then he aimed the chain with his wand.
"How did you get in?" Scorpius asked him as he looked at the fallen Death Eaters in the room next to the cell.
"Potter helped me" his father replied just as the chain around his ankle unlocked.
"What? James' dad is here too?"
"Yes", he nodded. "Come on then", he added and left the cell.
Scorpius looked at him for a few seconds. What did he expected? A hug? The boy sighed and followed his father.
Harry walked the dark hallway fast. According to the Death Eater they had Imperiused James was in a room right around the corner. Harry could feel his heart pounding hard; finally after almost two weeks he would see his son again...yet he was really worried about the state he would be in when he would found him.
The hallway had no windows and it was dark so when the curse was casted, it got illuminated by red light and Harry saw it and ducked, avoiding it. He raised his wand and turned. It was yet another familiar villain.
"Rockwood", Harry said and the man nodded.
"Potter". he smiled. "How did you get in?"
"I've got a more important did you get out?"
"From Azkaban?"
"Yeah...according to our records the only Death Eater that escaped Azkaban was Dolohov", Harry said.
"Oh, then your records are really, really wrong", the man smiled. "I suspect you're here to get the boy?"
" I'd advised you to get the hell out of my way", Harry said and the man answered with another curse, which Harry casted away. "Well, I take it you're not going to follow my advice".
And the dueling began. Rockwood was a really powerful Death Eater but Harry was a really powerful auror. The hallway kept getting illuminated by red and green lights as the two men kept fighting and soon they were both bleeding. Harry had a cut on his cheek and his lower lip and Rockwood's left hand was hanging useless by his side full of blood. Just as another stunning curse was coming his way Harry looked up. He avoided it and aimed at the part of the ceiling above Rockwood's head. Rockwood jumped on the side so he didn't get killed but the crash on the wall was enough to get him to faint. And the dueling ended.
Harry took some deep breaths and tied Rockwood up with ropes that emerged from his wand. Then without any farther delaying he run around the corner. The hallway ended to that room. Feeling his heart ready to break he blasted the door open. The room was rather big but he spotted James at once tied up in a chair. His eyes widened. He was there but...God..oh, God!
Last edited by onar; 02-22-2011 at 03:26 AM.