Originally Posted by
aussiegirl Oh lovely! Nicholai, would have a fit if he knew that Celandine was holding hands with lots of boys. She compared her and Copernicus, to Kayla and Maddox and that didn't make her feel that much better considering at one time she and Maddox had been attracted to one another.
Kayla stood and listened as Cela, went on and on about Copernicus and a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Just friends huh?" She pushed off the shelf and walked over to Cela. "You sure do talk about him a lot for him to be just a friend" she gave her a wink. "I don't think you've quite worked out how you feel about Copernicus yet." Kayla placed her quills on the counter and looked back at Celandine. "I'm not going to say you're too young because I was the same age when I met your brother and I have no plans on telling him either...because well there's nothing to tell at them moment" Kayla chuckled to herself for a moment. "But you know I will hurt him if he hurts you."
"Yes, I... I don't talk about him more than any other person in particular or anything, its just that you asked about
him." Cela pointed out logically, "I could talk just as much about Garret or Barry or Pl..." Celandine trailed off and blushed, still trying to avoid confronting the Plymouth thing in her mind.
She shook herself and looked at Kayla strangely when she made a little threat, "Oh Copernicus wouldn't hurt anyone ever, he's so nice. He doesn't even like candy all that much but he still gives me some and he opens butterbeer bottles for me and he's always polite and clean and all honourable and stuff. Kind of... kind of like Nico actually. Except that he's a bit prettier than Nicholai." Celandine chewed her lip thoughtfully, "I think he's smarter too." Cela noted.
"Oh! Hey! I got another pet! Barry got me a Pygmy Puff and Metal-Mouth helped me name it Whoopsiedaisy
and he helped name my scorpion." Celandine smild brightly, thinking of her pets, "Plymouth and Copernicus haven't met Him or Whoopsiedaisy yet." Him being the name of her scorpion.
...the one that often made its home down her shirt.