Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: BUE - Left Coast
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| Big Tuna | Booger | Team Men | Chris's SS!BFAM | Jules says I'm RAD | #Superman | Dustbin Quote:
Originally Posted by dan arjay Daniel, upon seeing his classmates did the spell, positioned himself. He stood up, stretched his right hand, his wand hand, and loudly muttered A-LO-HO-MO-RA, but nothing happened.
He then inhaled, stands still and again muttered, A-LO-HO-MO-RA, a movement was seen in the lock but it was never opened.
For the last time, he thought. Daniel closed his eyes and inhaled a large sum of air. He muttered, A-LO-HO-MO-RA he lock was then unlocked and he almost jump and shout out of glee. "Excellent work!" Ian said, beaming. Quote:
Originally Posted by dingDong He nodded at the professor's advice and continued to watch Jake with his wand moments. Luckily they were given 10 more minutes to practice so it was probably his last one until they jumped to phase two. Oh was it his turn now?! So he held his wand again and tried not to violently throw the wand in all directions. As Ashby (he finally learned the name) said, there were to be no eyeball-less people in the first lesson so he just quickly flicked his wand and said the incantation. "Alohomora!"
Complete successss, yeaaaaah! The thing went open with just a CLICK and nothing else. With all of that... advancement he should have been placed in some sort of Charms Class for Professionals. Yup, he felt readeh for anything.
Walking up to the chest again he closed it and waited for further instructions from the professor. "You too! Good work! You have come quite far just in this class alone!" Spazz or no spazz, he was learning. Quote:
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr Bwahahahahaaaa!!!!! I have mastered the ability of this wand!!!!! Go Jake, it's not your birthday, but let's party like itscha birffday!
Jake reeeeeaally wanted to get up and do his elbow-to-knee dance, but alas! Twas impossible. He tried to do it sitting down, but grrrrrr... that didn't work either. Jake just ended up on the floor. "How come I always end up on the floor when I use this thing," he asked nobody in particular, as he shoved his wand up on his desk before pulling himself back up.
As he sat in his chair and pointed his wand the trunk, he felt eyes on him... THE EYESSSSS!!!!! THEY BUUURRRRRN!!!!!
Slowly, his head twisted round to find the owners of said eyes. Ooh, admirers of my extremely AWESOME magic, eh? Hehe...
Jake leaned back, sorely tempted to rest his feet on the table, but refraining, and pointed his wand somewhere in the direction of the trunk. And guess what?
The wand was the wrong way round... and Jake ended up on the floor. "Ya see!" Jake sprung back up, looking at Cameron, or anyone that saw the... incident. "It wasn't me, Woody did it!" Jake pointed at his wand, before turning it round at pointing at the chest. "Alohomora... See!!!!!"
The trunk had sprung open again, and Jake conveniently forgot that little incident. "I'm'a have to mark on this thing which end is which," he added, looking at Woody. Or was it this one who was the spazz? Ian could hardly tell the difference. "Just make sure you don't alter the magical properties of the wand if you do," he suggested, chuckling. "Might I suggest attaching a sticker with a permanent sticking charm on the end you hold?" He held out his hand with a sheet of stickers. "Take your pick! I've got plenty. As for the sticking charm, I can take care of that for you. I've some practice with them."
He chuckled. He had his next prank idea for Kapoor's office. And BOY, was it sweet. Quote:
Originally Posted by Ama Nervously, she tucked a blond strand behind her ear, lower lip trapped helplessly between her teeth. Really? Had she done it? Well, certainly, she didn't think it was beyond her! And as the thought ran through her mind, her hip cocked to side, one hand flying to accompany her hip movement. After all, she wasn't a squib and she did hear the lock click--however--something didn't sit right with her.
Confused, and feeling quite dumb, Daphne looked at Celandine a slight look of pathetic helplessness lost in her eyes. "I...did," hesitated to admit the third year Gryffindor. "Didn't I?"
Fishy, like the market Davis frequented to buy items for dinner.
"We," I, began Daphne with a frown. "Are not done!" Realizing her tone had been perhaps, a bit harsh, Miss Hopton cleared her throat. "I mean--I..."
Well, go on. We're all here to learn, right? "I having a bit of..."
Oh, for Merlin's sake, woman!
"I can't quite get it!" exclaimed the little woman exasperated, with clenched fists before taking a deep breath. "I just need a few more tries."
Having seen that the Professor agreed, Daphne felt quite--ridiculous. Turning scarlet, she walked closer towards Celandine, placing one hand on her elbow as she had taken a tendency to do when nervous. "I'm going to do it again."
Asking for a few more minutes to practice had proved to be a stupid thing to do. Whether it was the truth or her paranoia surging, Daphne Hopton could feel several eyes on her, judging her character solely on this performance. Swallowing with some difficulty, she squinted at the chest, trying to appear as menacing as possible.
Just as she had begun chanting the incantation, she sucked her teeth and stopped to swipe her wand with her other hand. Palm flat against her robes, Daphne attempted to regain her composure back along with the dryness of her hands which had begun to inexplicably sweat. Again, she aimed at the lock on the chest but the sudden quickening of her herbeat was even managing to drown out the din in the classroom. It made her believe that she truly was being watched struggle with such an amateur charm.
Again, like a lost puppy, she allowed her round eyes to search for Celandine's face. Right. Take it back? I don't want to try anymore! Ian turned to the girl who had quasi-screamed for help. "Er, would you like some help?" he asked, bounding over to her, his gut jiggling along with him. He had become accustomed to the excess flab bouncing around. In fact, he was on the verge of affectionately naming it "Phineas."