Nervously, she tucked a blond strand behind her ear, lower lip trapped helplessly between her teeth. Really? Had she done it? Well, certainly, she didn't think it was beyond her! And as the thought ran through her mind, her hip cocked to side, one hand flying to accompany her hip movement. After all, she wasn't a squib and she did hear the lock click--however--something didn't sit right with her.
Confused, and feeling quite dumb, Daphne looked at Celandine a slight look of pathetic helplessness lost in her eyes. "I...did," hesitated to admit the third year Gryffindor. "Didn't I?"
Fishy, like the market Davis frequented to buy items for dinner.
"Has everyone had a chance to practice the charm and to cast it successfully? If so, I think it's time to move on to the second portion of our lesson. If not, it's not a problem at all! Just let me know and you all can continue practicing."
Celandine looked up at the professor as he spoke, "Can we," Daphne Hopton, "Practice a few more times?" She asked, her hand raised.
She raised her hand. "I think we can move on sir." She said casting a glance at Jake and Cam. Those two needed a nap or something.
"We," I, began Daphne with a frown. "Are not done!" Realizing her tone had been perhaps, a bit harsh, Miss Hopton cleared her throat. "I mean--I..."
Well, go on. We're all here to learn, right? "I having a bit of..."
Oh, for Merlin's sake, woman!
"I can't quite get it!" exclaimed the little woman exasperated, with clenched fists before taking a deep breath. "I just need a few more tries."
Having seen that the Professor agreed, Daphne felt quite--ridiculous. Turning scarlet, she walked closer towards Celandine, placing one hand on her elbow as she had taken a tendency to do when nervous. "I'm going to do it again."
Asking for a few more minutes to practice had proved to be a stupid thing to do. Whether it was the truth or her paranoia surging, Daphne Hopton could feel several eyes on her, judging her character solely on this performance. Swallowing with some difficulty, she squinted at the chest, trying to appear as menacing as possible.
Just as she had begun chanting the incantation, she sucked her teeth and stopped to swipe her wand with her other hand. Palm flat against her robes, Daphne attempted to regain her composure back along with the dryness of her hands which had begun to inexplicably sweat. Again, she aimed at the lock on the chest but the sudden quickening of her herbeat was even managing to drown out the din in the classroom. It made her believe that she truly was being watched struggle with such an amateur charm.
Again, like a lost puppy, she allowed her round eyes to search for Celandine's face.
Right. Take it back? I don't want to try anymore!