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Cam frowned when Jake had rejected his offer of letting him taste his wand and suggested that he do it on Dominic's instead. He didn't know if that wand looked like chocolate but he knew it that it was probably infected of Dom germs. Those germs were the meanest and deadliest germs in the world but he couldn't resist himself to look where that guy was. Aha! He finally found him but managed to make himself look away. He was a psycho, it could have been possible he might have found Dom's wand more tastier.
Then when looking back at Jake he found the chest opened so he jumped! Jumped in excitement that the two could finally do the spell together. Oh yeah, they rocked sooooo much. "Let'ssss do something now, I guess."
He looked around and then took out his wand again, pointing at the chest. Maybe one more try would help. "Alohomora!" Yay, he did it again and it wasn't moving that much this time! Cam closed the box and then gestured for Jake to do it too. "I think we needa mastah this."
Jake gripped his wand, the right way round, in both hands. Then, in an overly dramatic way, he flourished it at the box...
"AL-O-HOM-OR-A!!!!!" he yelled, flicking the wand. And nothing happened... What the-?!
"Alohomora..." he said again, as if to test the spell. And the box flung open.
Jake eyed his wand suspiciously...
"You planned this..." he muttered to it, sounding like a total and utter loon. He reached over and slammed the chest shut again, locking it.
"Your turn, Karsten," he quipped, pushing the chest aside.