Cale watched as everyone ended up with partners, even Anna who went with Copernicus. Sigh. At least it wasn't Plymouth, otherwise he'd have a bone to pick with someone later. Looking around, he didn't see any of his friends who were partnerless....boooooo. Now he needed to ask for help. He NEVER asked for help finding partners. Ever. This was a first, and his ego was taking a serious hit.
Quietly observing at the back of the room, Mariel decided she like this new Charms professor. Not only did he seem incredibly encouraging, but he was a former Ravenclaw Quidditch captain - and Mariel loved anyone who was a Quidditch fanatic, which he obviously was to be captain of her House's team - aaand he gave away points like candy. Thinking of candy made her wonder if he had any candy to give away like two of the other new professors did in their classes. Craning her neck to peer over some of the taller students in front of her, she didn't see any candy at Asby's desk... but, wait! Maybe there was candy in those chests they had to magically open. That thought was exciting and she jumped up from her seat to find a partner. Yes, it was the part of class that she dreaded the most because it usually meant her seeking out someone she didn't know, but she wasn't going to fault this awesome new professor. It was probably some requirement at Hogwarts as all the teachers made them pair up during lessons and he was just made to go along with it. Glancing around, Mariel realized that she didn't spot anyone she knew. Did all her friends drop Charms this year? Letting out a big sigh, she looked around for anyone who made it apparent that they were partnerless.
Just as Cale had been about to ask Ashby for help
EEEE! The horror! he spotted a Ravenclaw girl he had never met before. She looked partnerless as well. Yay! He walked up to her and cleared his throat. "Er, do you need a partner?" he asked.