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"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Jake laughed out, for no reason... uh-oh... on the brink of insanity now. Jake was starting to see the detrimental affects of running full pelt in a crcle for too long after eating. He felt a little... off...
And then, Huh?! Watch out?
Jake looked up at Cameron as the boy told him to watch out, which was kind of stupid, as Jake was the kind of person who would stand up and shout "WHERE?!" if someone were to yell "DUCK!!!!!"
"Aaaaaargh!!!!!!! MY FACE!!!!! MAH AEYES!!!!!" Jake couldn't see, he was blind, he was damaged goods, he was was... STILL RUNNING!!!!! But, now Jake couldn't see where he was headed, and circles are pretty complicated to keep up.
Jake's foot hit an unfamiliar protrusion in the ground, which made him all disorientated. He ended up running full pelt straight ahead. Jake flung the chocolate frog away and looked, wide-eyed, at the sight ahead. And then... and then...
And then Jake went facefirst into a lampost.
"Owwww..." he crumpled to the floor, kicking out at the old fashioned lampost, which only served to hurt more. What was a lampost doing THERE?! Gahhh... it's not like LIGHT was a NECESSITY or anything...
Reese walked out into the streets and looked around.She noticed this boy...running...in a crazy manner.Her eyes stayed on him until...BAM.He hit the lamp post.Her mouth dropped open and she quickly walked over to him.Part of her wanted to laugh,because it was a funny site,but the other half felt pretty bad for the boy. That must have hurt.
"Are you..okay?"