Mawookiee ★ Stitch ♥ her 2 owners ★ H-O-C-K-E-Y For a fraction of a seconds Fred felt the gazed of Savannah on him and something was making him uneasy about it. Repositionning himself on the bench he brush his head as if he had something was bugging him. Not noticing that he was closer to Alexis he stop breathing for a fraction of a second. Maybe he felt as thought someone could read what he was thinking or maybe he was paranoiac but still he didn't like the feeling.
This whole disput between miss I annoyed the hell out of you and Alexis was starting to bug him. Accidently, well not so much, he kicked the Sam something knees hard enough so she could understand the shut it message that he was sending her. Then again girls would be girls and they were no way he was sure she would just cut it out.
The only good things that had happen so far was making his friend happy but off course she still wanted him to talk but about what. He couldn't see anything interesting to talk about and more important was there something he could have the guts to talk about in front of her friends. The answer to that question was simple enough for him. It was a big NO. The slight thought about it was making his stomach go upside down.
Playing with the sugar quill that he had in his mouth, Fred looked up at the sky. Thinking about how easy things would be if he was different or if things had happen differently. He took a deep breath before turning back his attention toward Alexis. "Talking about what?..." his voice came almost as a whisper.
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