Jenn sighed as she tried to think of the words she should put on the blank piece of parchment in front of her. Sighing again, she dipped her quill in the ink and began to write....
Dear Devon, Hilion, and Frin,
How are things over there? Probably quite crazy and such because of Helia'a wedding. I'm so glad I'm at school and not over there right now.
she smiled wide at that,
Hows Chaos, and Lakia doing? I hope you guys are feeding them the right amount. If not, your so going to get it when I get back home. Anyway though, I hope you guys have fun, get in lots of trouble, and send my worse to the sisters. Oh and tell mum that if she has back problems all of a sudden because of the baby, to have her go to Saint Mungos, ok?
I love you guys to much to tell,
Jenn, your master mind in crime.
She smiled, then called down her super white snowy owl, Ocean, down from the rafters. Ocean's big blue eyes looked up at her, and Jenn poped a treat in her beak. Ocean hooted thankfully while Jenn tied the letter to Ocean's leg. "Devon Blood. Or one of the boys at home."she commanded, grinning. Then she watched as Ocean spread her wings wide and took off into the sky. "If only I could be that free."she thought aloud, then turned quickly and walked out the owlery.