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Old 02-07-2009, 11:11 AM   #191 (permalink)
Slytherin Princess

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Tommy Black
First Year
Default thats ok :) sorry ;)
♥ Slytherin Princess to the core ♥ / St. Trinian's Terror

Originally Posted by Amira With a C View Post
Oh goodness. How much longer? Maybe she could get a note from the nurse that would excuse her from partaking in anything where she was trapped and alone. Oh, that would be wonderful.

Oh. There were the sparks again. Aquamarine. That meant left. She turned left and sighed, managing a moderately paced limp. This particular part of the maze was especially curvy and it seemed to twist left and right many times. How did she think of this, Camira wondered. And surprise surprise. Another fork. But a real one. With four prongs. How the heck was she supposed to word this?

"Risona", she said after a moment of thinking about the phrasing.It ended up being 'Far left magenta, left marigold, right lavender, far right navy blue.' That made sense, right?
Ruby stood watching the map and wondering how long before this nightmare was over, she saw that her partner was coming up to a fork with four prongs and Ruby started to look at which way she should go, she was still looking at the map and looking up into the air for the ribbon when she saw the message.....

Far left magenta, left marigold, right lavender, far right navy blue
Ruby skimmed the map once more and thought to herself this is rediculus she found Two possible ways that her partner had to go and she was trying to determine which one of those it was if she sent them on the wrong one then they would be in here longer, she looked at the map and she was finding it difficult to choose she decided to just pick one she thought hard about the colour and said "Firsitan" and sent Navy Blue sparks in the air.

Ruby stood there afterwards and thought I hope i was right?
I love the number of children i meet who are captivated by all of it,
all of whom think i am terrifying because i play Bellatrix!!!!

♥Tom's Treehouse♥
♥15th July 2011 The Final Chapter♥
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