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"I...", he began as he watched Miss Toussaint pop a piece of coconut ice into her mouth and eat it rather languidly. "I...Oh, nothing. I was just going to get a bit of the nougat pieces." He said, trying to be convincing and probably succeeding to the naked eye.
"Oh, no need to apologize for that, my dear. You should be doing your homework. Your friends 'n all that, it'll all be there when you're done." Kapoor repressed a patch of laughter at the commentary on Nicolai's effect on the school and the recent look of the schools hourglass. "No, I don't suppose they are doing as well as they once were. But, perhaps that is also because you have been so diligent about turning in your homework and being a good student." He said, just having to get that two sickles in. "And, I quite agree about Prefect Jones. He was quite a fine prefect that boy was, wasn't he?" He sighed, remembering those two fine, upstanding male students. Ha! If only the Professor knew the half of it!
Did she? She did just offer him some candy! She did!
"Oh, I couldn't. My wife really doesn't want me touching the sweets this year." He said, pausing a moment to reconsider the fact that Nandita was quite a fair distance away from him at the moment. "But, I suppose what she doesn't know can't hurt her." He held out a cupped hand so that she could share.
Celandine considered the professor's response for a moment and shook her head, "If you are sure... nougat is kind of
healthy..." Oh! Copernicus might like the nougat! Cela made a mental note to point it out to the older boy. Her friend. She smiled brightly at the thought.
"Well. I
am trying to be a better Ravenclaw this term," Cela agreed, "Climb less trees, do more homework. But I keep making new friends. I have enough now I think." Celandine said sincerely, wondering if she'd ever have to write as many letters as Nicholai had given her to pass on to
his friends. Celandine nodded and a small smile of satisfaction appeared on her face (but it
might have been from the coconut ice), "It's also because I'm a Toussaint, Sir."
Celandine enjoyed talking about how wonderful Will was with anyone, "Oh he was! I wish he was my brother instead of Nicholai sometimes. Will only had
two girls getting in a twist over him." Nooooo point counting for Nico.
"Oh well,
I won't tell your wife if
you don't tell my brother!" Celandine smiled brightly, "I'm not supposed to have any candy either! I get a little bit excited and talk alot and I've actually already had quite a bit in the last few days. House elves." Cela added in cryptic explanation.
Celandine tipped a selection of the candy and fudge from her bag, into Kapoor's cupped hands (only two bits of coconut ice managing to spill their way out).
"Sooooo, how come
you aren't allowed candy, Professor?" Cela asked, sucking on a piece of fudge.