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H_Grainger1322 Robert raised his eyebrow as she spoke, "A secret?" What could be such a secret to have her snooping around down here looking for ghosts... As she leaned closer to him he leaned down, "What they're up to....but why..."
Just then he felt someone tap his arm and he spun around to find Elizabeth there, "Bloody hell...." He laughed and turned toward Lyra, "Is this 'divine retribution'?" He looked at her curiously, "Why Peeves exactly?"
"Not just Peeves in particular," Lyra began, keeping her voice down as she didn't want to wake them in her direction, she just wanted to spy, find out what they are doing. "I want to stalk, to see what they are doing, why are they here? I mean, what if we could find the story as to why the ghosts are back?" There had to be a reason, she just knew it. "Don't you wonder that yourself? I think everyone does..."