SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady
The Yule Ball was in full swing. This year instead of the Weird Sisters, the staff had managed to procure some muggle band called the Rolling Stones, and they weren't half bad. The music they played was mostly fast and rocking, but then the lead singer, a man by the name of Mick Jagger, made an announcement. "It's time for the spotlight dance. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Ron Weasley and Miss Luna Lovegood."
The music grew softer as the band began to play a song about some girl named Angie. As the spotlight came up, Ron and Luna began to dance together. They actually made quite a nice couple until their dance was interrupted by the unexpected appearance of a honeybee! "I'm allergic!", Ron squealed, quickly jumping away.
Thinking fast, Luna was able to charm the bee away from Ron by using a piece of spam as bait, and Ron breathed a sigh of relief.
Just then a beautiful woman with long blonde hair entered the Great Hall. "It's Heidi Klum!" Draco Malfoy exclaimed. "Heidi, I would like to devote myself to your service. I would love to design outfits for you, my clothes are more fashionable than Chanel. Why, just look at what I can put together with crazy glue!" He gestured towards the hot pink dress Pansy Parkinson was wearing.
"That looks splendid!", gushed Heidi, and the two of them walked off together.
Last edited by Slytherin Fox; 02-04-2009 at 06:30 PM.