SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady
Draco Malfoy adjusted his costume carefully as he entered the Great Hall. He looked even more stunning than usual, dressed as Little Lord Faunteroy, complete with bowtie and short pants. He let out a groan as his stalker, Pansy Parkinson, ran up to confront him before he could even take a seat.
"Oh, Drackey Poo, I brought you some ice cream!", she gushed. "A special flavor, too, mashed potatoes and gravy!"
Draco looked at the offering and was unable to resist. "Perhaps I'll just take a dollop," he said, helping himself to a generous scoop of the gooey mess. "Gosh, Pans, this is really delicious!"
Just then Draco's attention was drawn to the Gryffindor table, where that horrible mudblood Hermione Granger was raising her voice towards her weaselly boyfriend Ron. "But Spiderman is my favorite character! You need to change your costume now!", she urged. Ron put up a fight but finally left the Great Hall, only to emerge moments later clad in the familiar red and black outfit. The things some boys wouldn't do to get a girl to shut up!, Draco thought.
The evening was nearly over when Headmaster Dumbledore walked into the Great Hall, showing off a pair of magenta and lime green argyle socks. "Aren't these stunning?", he asked the crowd. "I would like you all to know that Miss Hermione Granger is selling them at only one galleon a pair. The proceeds benefit house elves of the world."
Even more reason not to buy them, Draco thought with a shiver. This was one Halloween he would definitely forget.