Linda's EEFFD From a Mostly Slytherin Point of View - Sa9+ SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady
Pansy Parkinson appeared at the Yule Ball, once again wearing a gown of pink. She was looking for one person only, and that person was Draco Malfoy. "Oh Drackey Poo, come dance with me," she called out as she approached the Slytherin table.
Pansy gazed towards a completely disinterested Draco. "Well, if you won't dance with me, at least take a little bitty bite of this," she urged, pushing a dessert towards the boy. "My mother taught me to make it. It's a boysenberry shortcake. Try it, it's one of the most delicious things you can imagtine." Pansy smacked her lips, but didn't mention the fact that the topping on the shortcake was actually a muggle concoction known as cool whip.
Draco took a bite. "Ummm, you're right, Pans, this really is good!, he agreed enthusiastically. "The only thing I might suggest is that you put a walnut on top. I love walnuts, you know!"
"I'll be sure to remember that," Pansy promised.
Suddenly the sound of traditional Irish music filled the Great Hall and to everyone's surprise, Hagrid stood up and began to do a River Dance style performance, tap dancing with surprising precision.
The sound of applause filled the room as the performance ended. "Thank you," Hagrid said sincerely. "I had the chance to learn these moves from Michael Flatley himself."
Pansy and Draco sneered and jeered this announcement, but Pansy's attention was quickly diverted when the most handsome boy she had ever seen, even more handsome than Draco walked into the Great Hall. This boy had a perfect face and curly, dark brown hair, and Pansy heard someone whisper, "That's Nick Jonas!"
"Who?" Pansy asked loudly, then began to make her way towards the Gryffindor house table, where Nick was heading.
Pansy wanted to scream out loud as he walked directly to that disgusting pig, Lavender Brown, and began to sing the sweetest lullaby she had ever heard directly into Lavender's ear.
Just then Pansy remembered hearing something and an inspiration took hold. If what she had heard was correct, she knew who Lavender was really interested in!
"Look, it's the caped crusader!", Pansy suddenly shrieked and, sure enough, Lavender took off faster than a speeding bullet. Now she could have Nick's attention all to herself!
"Women," Draco pouted.
Last edited by Slytherin Fox; 02-04-2009 at 06:25 PM.