Thread: Poetry: Gatewaytoheaven's Poems
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Old 08-24-2003, 05:13 PM   #2 (permalink)
Gateway To Heaven
Posts: n/a

A White Cat

A white cat,
Perched, eyes wide, listening.
What does she hear?
The gentle whispering of the wind,
or the chirping of the crickets?
Is it the dog, impatiently barking in the distance?
What does she see?
The flag, blowing bravely?
The ruffling of the leaves in the trees?
Or is it me, sitting lazily on the creaking hammock, writing?
How does she feel?
The look in her eyes shows she's awake, alert.
Is she nervous,
looking for a wild animal or a savage human who will harm her?
Is she searching for her lost best friend Moses,
who passed away last year?
What does she smell?
The coldness of the setting sun,or the green grass that needs a trim?
Can she smell the birch tree,
beautiful and triumphant in it's tall glory?
I ponder these things as a I watch
A white cat,
Perched, eyes wide, listening.