Russian Dancing Snake-Twin | Jam Pony Rider | Has Snuffed It!
Jude prounced happily down to the Nursery, to see his new friend. He prowled along the cages for a while until he found her. Her name was Aubrey, and she was just a tiny little grey fluff ball, but she was adorable in Jude's eyes.
"Well hi thar, Aubreh!" Jude said with a smile. Watching the bird twitch in his direction he sighed, "Aww no, don' ya be afraid o' me none, I'm 'ere ta take care o' yous..." he said, and stuck a finger through the cage door and wiggled it.
He could tell he'd gotten Aubrey's attention, because shortly after she hopped over, and inched her way closer to peck at his finger, as if to taste it.
"Sorreh Aubrey, Oi didn' ge' a chance ta look ya up much... Sooo I dun' realleh know wha' ya loike... 'cept fer these 'ere mosqui'oes Oi dun' found fer ya..." He said, and removed his finger to open up the door to her cage. He had his hand ready in case she decided to make a great escape or something, but she didn't.
Jude smiled and suddenly felt much older. He was taking care of a lesser being... all by his little lonesome. He took her out and just held her. She was so soft. He had his trusty little measuring tape with him, and just wanted to see how big she was, for his journal. After that, he went over to the little scale and weighed her. So tiny. Taking her back over to her cage, he started feeding her the mosquitoes for a little snack, made sure she had enough water, and closed the door on her again.
"Sorreh Aubreh, Oi go' ta run, 'ave 'omework an' research on ya ta do!! Oi'll be back tomorruh!" he said and then ran off, not sure if the little baby Augurey even understood him or not.
Last edited by Pigwidgeon Took; 02-05-2009 at 07:43 PM.
Reason: *epic fail*