Hello there, I am back... probably didn't miss me but...
Thanks Aschere and Dawn for trying^^
The answer is: Rain - or rain drops
One Thousand Fairies = rain drops. They wet everything making it shine. They hit leaves making them dance, they change the landscape. And the "footpath made of light" is, yes, lightening during the storm where they came from.
But your answers were good, that was a difficult riddle
Following is a poem I forgot completely about, a song lyric I wrote about the Twin Towers, the very same day it happened. Therefore, it is old, and it was originally writen in Spanish (the translation might not be good; please, tell if something is not well writen)... I warn it is kind of harsh. Hope you like it.
The Joker, dedicated to the Twin Towers attack.
The King of Swords swallowed the futures in his misfortune court.
Walking along leisure roads or seated in his crystal pedestal,
Which is dampened, dimmed by its same golds.
That glance falls on its kingdom to sword end...
The Ace hidden in the shades
Escaped from the card pack.
It snatches his throne to indiscreetly ridicule him
And now laughs at him...
They believed it underneath God's cellar,
But today, it has revealed to his sinior.
A King of Swords dimmed in its glory
And a Ace got loose in the margins of the wrath of God.
Echoes of numbers without cause will be left in history,
Trapped, darned, in epitaph of love.
An Ace is so great and inferior both,
And a King of Swords sings to deads being born,
And a Joker laughs.
It laughs, at you.
darned rests without faces, hands without owners,
Buried in the land that saw them be born,
And burned in my wrists a pain that's been tormenting
Since yesterday...
Pain of thousand Holy lands; a sacrifice to power
And the culprit is the one who pretends being the helper.
And I say it to the distant Ace when nobody believed him.
And now they condemn it, the culprits of an ardor that did not die,
And the poor assistants, seated in horses they never will ride;
They wash their hands with both waters.
An Ace is so great and inferior both
And a King of Swords sings to deads being born,
And a Joker laughs.
Laughs at you.
A contradiction of thousand years by the power oracle,
Augury that they themselves preached when being born...
A King of Swords dimmed in its glory
And a Ace got loose in the margins of the wrath of God.
Echoes of numbers without cause will be left in history,
Trapped, darned, in epitaph of love.
An Ace is so great and inferior both,
And a King of Swords sings to deads being born,
And I, like the a Joker,
At you.