Join Date: Apr 2007 Location: Greece
Posts: 416
Hogwarts RPG Name: Angie Palimor First Year |
Hi guys, here I am again....I promised a long post and here it is! Tell me if you liked it! Tisha did I welcome you? Can't remember...anyway welcome and enjoy my story!
Chapter 13 continue
"So when are you leaving?" Albus asked his father with concern written all over his face. Harry had just explained to them what he was going to do. Malfoy was standing in a corner near the fire place looking around at the living room, seemingly not interested in what they were discussing.
"Well, we're gonna have to wait until Matthias sends my sabbatical and then..." Harry said shrugging.
"I'm coming with you", Ginny said and she got up from the couch.
"Why so you can puke on the Death Eaters?" Ron asked her ironically.
"Your wife is sick?" Malfoy asked Harry rather indifferently.
"No, she's pregnant", he responded looking at her indignantly. "Something she seems to forget!"
She grunted but she sat back down next to her son again.
"Pregnant?" Malfoy repeated. "Wow, you cannot keep all three of them safe and you're going for the forth?"
"You've got one and you've lost him!" Hermione reminded him.
"Oh, yeah", he said realizing it.
Before anyone else could say anything a loud pop came from the kitchen.
"Harry, Hermione, is anyone here?" a woman's voice called.
"Who is it?" Ginny asked.
"Artemis" Hermione responded. "She must have brought the papers for Harry's sabbatical".
"We're in the living room, Artemis", Harry called out and few moments later the beautiful woman walked in. She looked at them for a while and then she smiled.
"Matthias sends you these", she told Harry giving him a bunch of papers. "There are some forms you must sign".
"Okay thanks", Harry smiled at her. Ginny coughed. "Oh, um, that's my wife, Ginny Potter".
"Ginevra", she corrected him as she stood up and shook the girl's hand.
"Since when?"
"Since now!" she whispered back at him.
"I'm Artemis", the other woman said smiling.
"And that's my husband, Ronald", Hermione said drugging him.
"Ron", he said shaking her hand.
"Ronald!" Hermione insisted and both he and Harry rolled their eyes.
"And since no one is going to introduce me, I'm gonna do it myself", Draco said walking forward, stretching his hand. "Draco Malfoy".
"Nice to meet you", she said taking his hand.
"Have we met before?" he asked her. "You look kind of familiar".
"No, we haven't" the girl said dismissively and then she turned to Harry. "So are you gonna sign them or not?"
"Yeah sure", he said searching for a quil. Ginny gave him one and soon he was officially on sabbatical.
"Okay, I'd better take those back", Artemis smiled and waving goodbye she walked to the kitchen and minutes later they heard her apparating. Ron turned to Malfoy.
"Have we met before? That's original!"
"You promise you'll be careful?"
"Yes, baby, I've already promised you", Harry told Ginny as she packed his stuff in their bedroom. Harry and Malfoy will be leaving at dawn. She closed his bag and walked over to the other side of the bed where he was sitting. She stood in front of him.
"Just...just come back soon...find our son and come back with him", she said and he took her hands and pulled her close to him, putting his hands around her waist.
"I will", he nodded looking up at her.
"That's why I love never disagree with me", she said and he smiled.
"I'm gonna miss you".
"You'd better", she said narrowing her eyes and he placed his head on her chest. She hugged him. "I really do love you".
"I know, I really never disagree with you".
Two hours later, almost five in the morning, they were ready to go. Malfoy was waiting in the kitchen for Harry. He was in the living room saying goodbye to Lily and Albus, who were both awake waiting for them to leave in spite their mother's orders to go to bed.
"When are you coming back, daddy?"
"I don't know Lills", he said kissing her forehead. "I will come back though...with James".
"Then we'll wait for you", she smiled and she hugged him tightly.
Harry got up when she let go of him and walked to Albus. He smiled at him and Harry hugged him.
"You watch your mum and your sister until I come back".
"Okay dad", the boy nodded and Lily grunted.
"Like we need watching", she said and Ginny laughed.
"No, God forbid!" Harry said raising his hands up in surrender and they all laughed. "Where are Ron and Hermione? I wanted to..."
"We're here", Ron said entering the living room, followed by Hermione, Rose and Hugo. He was holding a backpack. "I'm coming with you", he said and Harry shook his head.
"No, Ron, it's..."
"You don't honestly think I'm gonna let you alone with Malfoy".
"Harry, he's coming", Hermione said with finality in her voice and Harry sighed.
"Fine", he gave up. He kissed Ginny one more time and then turned to Ron. "We'd better go then".
They apparated right outside of the place the letter came from. It looked like a bar, something like a Leaky Cauldron that had fallen into decay. It reminded Harry a scene from a western movie actually.
"This is the place?" Malfoy said in disbelief. "Can you actually see a Death Eater coming here?"
Harry shook his head. Malfoy was right but he didn't want to admit it to himself; this place was screaming Muggle from miles away.
"Come on, let's go inside", Ron said approaching the old wooden door.
"Maybe we should take some precautions first", Malfoy told him looking around.
"Why? It's a bar right? We'll act like customers", Ron shrugged and Harry grabbed Draco's arm and drugged him inside.
"Wow", was Ron's and Draco's reaction when they saw inside.
'Wow, it is...' Harry thought to himself.
It wasn't a bar, it was a...a...
"It's a..."Ron gulped turning to them with a silly look on his face. "It's a strip club!"
James was sitting in his favorite corner again watching Scorpius walking up and down.
"Would you stay in one place? You're making me dizzy!"
"You shouldn't be sitting there all day long", he told him. "You may damage your legs if you don't use them at all!"
"So that's why you haven't put your butt down for the last two hours?"
"No, I think I'm getting claustrophobic", the boy answered.
"What's that? Is it contagious? Maybe you should stay right on the other corner of the cell", James said gesturing him away.
"It's not contagious! It means that I'm afraid of small, enclosed places!"
"And where do you go when you want to use the bathroom? To the forest?"
Scorpius ignored him and sat down.
"I'm getting suffocated in here!" he said and James rolled his eyes. He was perfectly sure that there was nothing wrong with Scorpius, he had just gotten bored. He shook his head.
"From all the people...all the people in the world, I had to be locked in here with you!"
"Shut up", Scorpius said just as they heard keys on their door again. Scorpius forgot all about his claustrophobia and got up. James did so too as the door opened. It was Dolohov followed by a bunch of masked Death Eaters.
"What do you want?" James asked irritably.
"Just wanted to see what you were doing. You know, your fathers would have probably killed each other by now", he smiled.
"We have a common enemy", James responded and the man's smile widened.
"I guess you're referring to us, aren't you? Oh, and here I thought we were becoming friends", Dolohov said making his voice sound childish.
"Do you want anything else than to get on my nerves?" James said irritated and the man pulled his wand out.
Scorpius gasped. James glanced at him. He knew very well what Dolohov wanted; to have fun, as he had said before and James had learned first hand what was the definition of fun for the deranged man. James walked slowly and stood in front of Scorpius. He didn't think that the boy could take it. If Dolohov wanted to torture someone, he could torture him.
"You think you're gonna scare me just by waving your little wand in front of my face?" James said to make sure Dolohov would deal with him and wouldn't harm Scorpius.
"Oh kiddo, you're so beyond help! Haven't I tortured you enough? Or maybe I've tortured you too much and fried your brain".
"My brain is fine, Dolohov. If you had one you would understand that it's a complex object, that doesn't get fried over nothing!"
"We'll see about that", the man said and raised his wand, pointing it in James' chest as always. The boy gulped but stood his ground steeling himself for what was to come.
James fell on the ground once again feeling the known now pain stabbing him. He clenched his teeth hard and tried to hold his screams back but he couldn't achieve it for long, so he just gave into the pain and started screaming. When it ended he just stayed trembling on the floor gasping for air. Dolohov was looking down at him with a cruel smirk in his face. Then his eyes darted up to Scorpius.
"Do you have anything to say to me?" he asked him still smirking broadly. Scorpius was too terrified to answer so he just shook his head. "Good; you work with us boy, it's in you anyway".
Scorpius bit his lower lip but shook his head negatively.
"I'm not a Death Eater", he whispered.
"No? But everyone in your family was, is there really any point in resisting your true nature?"
"I'm not..." Scorpius mumbled.
"Evil is in your blood boy, deal with it".
"I'M NOT EVIL!" Scorpius yelled.
Dolohov's eyes narrowed and he stepped forward raising his wand, just as James stood up.
"Leave him alone!" he said and the command in his voice made Dolohov stop.
"Tell me something Potter are you stupid or just plain crazy? How many times must I use the cruciatus upon you until you learn to control your cheek?" he said getting a bit irritated, that nothing seemed to work with this boy.
"Huh, I guess cheek runs in my blood, doesn't it?" James sneered to irritate him, but Dolohov laughed.
"I guess it does", he seemed to agree. "I guess you're just as stupid as your father".
James' felt his throat tighten in the very mention of his father.
"Do not talk about my father", he said warningly feeling hatred boiling up inside him.
"I bet you think that daddy will come and save you, don't you?" the Death Eater laughed. "I bet you sleep wishing he was here".
"I said do not talk about him! Stop!" James said angered.
"Well, let me tell you something kiddo", he went on ignoring him. "No one can save you now, not even your pathetic father".
Rage took over James and before he could stop himself he spitted right on Dolohov's face. The man froze for a moment like he couldn't believe what had just happened and then he moved with an amazing speed that James didn't even see the hand that landed on his jaw. He fell down from its force just as Dolohov gave a nod at the masked Death Eaters that stood at the door. Two of them stepped inside and grabbed the boy's arms holding him down. James tried to fight their hold but they were strong as bulls. One of them grabbed some of the boy's hair and pulled his head back, just as Dolohov lashed out once more. White stars emerged in front of the boy's eyes as he kicked him hard on the face. Before his head could stop spinning another blow came and along with his gasp he heard Scorpius' too, but he wished he would stay out of it; not both of them had to suffer. He felt blood stinging down his face, as the Death Eater holding his hair releashed him and turning to stand in front of him, kicked him hard on the ribs. The force made him fell backwards gasping for air.
"Stop!" Scorpius yelled and Dolohov pointed his wand at him.
"You be quiet boy", he hished. "I may have had a friedship with your grandfather but my hatred for Potter is greater".
"It's his father that you hate, not him!" Scorpius shouted. "He hasn't done anything to you, leave him alone!"
Dolohov grunted angily and raised his wand.
"Cru..." he started but James made himself stand up before he could cast the curse that caused pain against the other boy; before he just wanted to avoid looking at someone else under the influence on the cruciatus curse, but now it just didn't seem right to let Dolohov unleash anger that James had provoked on Scorpius. As he had anticipated Dolohov turned his wand to him instead.
"I will teach you to obey, kiddo, trust me", he said but James sneered in spite of the blood that run down his face.
"I'm sorry but I strongly disagree with you", he said sarcastically. Dolohoc crossed the room before James could register it again and this time he kicked him in the stomach. The boy fell down again doubling in two from nauseating pain.
"Crucio!" Dolohov yelled once again.
James gasped as pain shot right through him once more, every part of him feeling like it was on fire and he made no effort to hold his screams back this time. He was writhing on the floor feeling like his body would explode. And the pain wasn't going away; the curse wasn't going away. Dolohov wasn't lifting it as he had done all the other times, he wasn't stopping. And dread spread inside the boy as he thought of Neville's parents and how they were tortured to insanity, thinking Dolohov would do the same to him. He screamed again and again and he thought he heard Scorpius telling them to stop, begging internally that they would.
"What the hell are you doing?"
The curse stopped suddenly as Dolohov shook his wand. James was released from his agony and he lay on his side, gasping for air, his throat feeling as though it would tear from his screams. He relaxed his fingers momentarily, not noticing the half-moon shapes his nails had made into his palm.
"What?" Dolohov asked turning to look at Yaxley, who had just entered the cell.
"You know we are not allowed to kill the boy, Dolohov!" Yaxley barked.
"I'm not killing him", he shrugged. "I'm educating him", he smirked pointing his wand again at the still trembling boy, who couldn't help but flinch openly.
"No!" Yaxley shouted irritated grasping Dolohov's hand. "You heard Apostollo! We can torture him but not in an extreme excess".
"Well, where's the fun in that?" Dolohov said freeing his hand from Yaxley's, but then he grunted and left the cell.
"Sit up", Yaxley ordered the boy. James ignored him and Yaxley gestured the Death Eaters, who walked forward and grabbing the boy's arms made him sit up. James' entire body screamed in protest but he tried to hold back the groan that rose to his throat.
"Not so cheeky now, are you Potter?" he said and James stared at him for a while with a strange look on his face. Then he started crying in his hands. Yaxley laughed, finally they managed to break the boy.
"Why are you doing this?" James asked between sobs.
"Revenge", Yaxley said and James fell on him, grabbing him from the waist.
"Please, please let us go!" he begged. Yaxley kicked him and he fell back.
"You weren't so hard to break as we thought after all, were you?" Yaxley laughed with satisfy and smirking once more at him he left, closing the door behind him.
James pulled his hands of his face. It was weird that while he was supposedly crying he had no tears in his eyes. He looked back at Scorpius. The boy hadn't moved all this time. He just stood against the wall terrified and his eyes were swimming in tears. Scorpius sat down and James crawled next to him, wincing a little as he did so.
"Don't cry, it's gonna be okay", he said and the boy looked at him bewildered. James looked like a complete other person from the one he was minutes ago.
"What...?" Scorpius stammered. James was holding something in front of the boy's face. Scorpius looked at it and his eyes widened. "You took his keys?" he said amazed.
"You didn't actually think I'd beg, did you?"
"Everybody has a talent!" James said smiling in spite the bad condition he was in.
Last edited by onar; 05-08-2011 at 10:41 AM.