Thread: Harry Potter: Apostollo - Sa16+
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Old 01-31-2009, 06:51 PM   #123 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Angie Palimor
First Year

Okay I know it's not very much but I'm gonna go out with my friends and I have to get ready. I promise that the next one will be a very long post and that you're gonna love it! Tell me what you think about this one...

Chapter 13

"So how did you get caught?" James asked Scorpius as they sat on the cold floor of their cell.
"My mum and I got ambushed...we were outnumbered so..." the boy said and shook the chain around his leg at the end of his sentence.
"I see", James said. "Well, they got me while I was trying to get to..."
" the Teenage Battle of Bands", Scorpius finished his sentence.
"How do you know?"
"Your kidnapping is all over the press", the boy shrugged.
"Really?" James asked.
"Yeah, well, your father is a celebrity as I recall".
"He's not a celebrity, he's a hero", James said irritated and the boy smiled.
"Weren't you the one who hated him?" he asked and James' face whitened.
"What? The Daily Prophet wrote that?" he asked shocked.
"No, your brother did", he said and James widened his eyes.
"Oh, I'm gonna kill him!" he exclaimed.
"You'll have to find a way to get out of here first!" Scorpius laughed.
"I still can't believe that you and my brother are best friends!"
"Why because I'm in Slytherin?" Scorpius asked him.
"Please do not remind me that!"
"Why do you hate Slytherin so much? Severus Snape was in Slytherin and you know as well as I do that your father may be dead if it wasn't for him".
"He...he was an exception", James stammered. "I mean look to all your friends from Slytherin...they're mean people!"
"You were mean to your own father!"
"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME AND MY FATHER SO DON'T TALK ABOUT IT!" James shouted outraged but the boy just shrugged.
"Fine, sorry", he said indifferently.
"Oh, man, you're even more irritating than my brother!" James said shaking his head.
"Your brother likes you", Scorpius said seriously.
"Yeah, especially after what happened with dad, I'm sure he does!" James said ironically.
"He looks up to you", the boy said and James looked at him in complete astonishment.
"He does what?"
"He looks up to you", Scorpius repeated. "But don't tell him I told you that".
James was still looking at the boy astonished as they heard keys on the door.
"What do you think they want?" Scorpius asked James as they were getting up.
"Either to bring us food or to kill some of their spare time".
"How do they do that?" the boy asked sounding scared for the first time.
"Don't worry, it's just the food this time", James said as a Death Eater placed two disks of food in front of them.
"You call that food?" Scorpius said looking with disgust the yellowish soup in his disk.
"It's all we've got", James shrugged.
"I can't believe this!" the boy said shaking his head. "And I didn't even touch what my mum had for lunch today".
"Why not?"
"I wasn't hungry then. God, what I wouldn't give right now to have my mum's lunch!"
"If you had it, you wouldn't want it...people have this weird tendency to always want what they can't and won't have", James smiled.


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