Originally Posted by
Everyone seemed to agree on the number lady and Lyra was more than thankful for that. She listened as everyone seemed to gather the information they already knew about her magical number seven and there was one thing that she had to place out there as well. "You know, Harry Potter's Quidditch number was seven as well."
"You know in Arithmancy," she said as she pulled out her notes from class. "The number seven means analysis, research, solitude, wisdom, spiritual focus, investigative, mystical." She began thinking of different things with the number seven and there was one that stood out, one she didn't want to say but..."You know there is also what some call the seven year itch, in marriages of course." She rather hoped that everyone knew what that was all about.
Who cared about Harry potter? he wasnt on their frog card. Was it number seven? You know in arithmancy. he let out a small chuckle as he heard those words. Yeah the one with numbers. he stared at her a little bug eyed as she seemed to be an arithmancy book."Uh. Sure." he said as he was still staring at her."What year are you in again?" he asked her as she sure knew a lot about that stuff. All he needed to know was that this number plus this number equaled another number. they should of gotten someone in the auror business. He could of repeated out like a school book too."what about marriages and sevens?" he asked curiously. Always time to learn something new right?
Originally Posted by
Crystal Ball
Mari turned to Lyra as the girl began speaking about the number seven, and Mari was actually quite interested in what she had to say, despite everything else that was going on. She nodded, and then laughed a little loudly as Lyra mentioned the seven year itch in marriages. " Of course," She said, smiling. " It seems that the number seven is indeed important in all aspects of life, including love." She said, writing down what they had said. She looked around for a moment and then back at Lyra and Cayden. " Is it just me or is Robert taking forever?" She said, and she had half a mind to go after him and help him bring the books back if he was going to take forever.
When she looked over at him he gave her a smile. he looked back at his notes as he was trying to resist answering her."Really? I just thought he was naturally that slow." Whoops. he really should play nice. He wasnt even here to hear it." Im sure he hasnt gotten lost or anything. Just trying to find the books." he added as he figured he knew his way around the library seeing as he was a ravenclaw. Even if he wasnt the brightest one. he turned his head for a second to see elizabeth looking at him.Or maybe he was seeing things."What?" he asked her as he was a little curious at the reasoning.