Originally Posted by
Jake raised his hand to answer again. "Because the heavens were perfect and could not possibly
have loose pieces floating around to fall to Earth,Professor."
Originally Posted by
Qaz raised her hand and replied, 'Aristotle thought that rocks could not fall from the sky because the heavens were perfect and could not possibly have loose pieces floating around to fall to Earth'
Originally Posted by
Cela raised her hand, "Aristotle thought that rocks could not fall from
the sky because the heavens were perfect and could not possibly
have loose pieces floating around to fall to Earth. He even made excuses to support his beliefs."
Originally Posted by
Patricia was happy that she had read the text before class, as she raised her hand again. "Aristotle thought that rocks could not fall from
the sky because the heavens were perfect and could not possibly
have loose pieces floating around to fall to Earth, sir"
Originally Posted by
"Because the heavens were perfect and could not possibly have loose pieces floating around to fall to Earth." Willow said, her hand in the air.
"Right! 3 points" Quote:
Originally Posted by
Amira With a C
Camira raised her hand. "Aristotle thought that rocks could not fall from the sky because the heavens were perfect and could not possibly have loose pieces floating around to fall to Earth"
Originally Posted by
He shot his hand in the air. "Aristotle thought that rocks could not fall from
the sky because the heavens were perfect and could not possibly
have loose pieces floating around to fall to Earth."
"2 points" Quote:
Originally Posted by
Mariel raised her hand. "He believed the heavens were perfect and could not possibly have loose pieces floating around to fall to Earth."
"1 point"
"What One Theory did Aristotle give, and what was the alternate theory giving us the name "thuderstones"?"
(4points to the first 4, no other points given after.)
(ooc: I have to go for a while, I'll be back in an hour or so. If I'm not, class will continue Sunday)