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Old 01-30-2009, 10:43 PM   #10 (permalink)
Pygmy Puff
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emerson Gray.
Fourth Year
G1GGL3R! *giggles* My GarBear

Whistling cheerily to himself, Terry strolled into the classroom, pausing abruptly as he counted the ...three students in the room already. WHOA. He was on time? Scratch that, early? Well, this was a first then.

Attempting to recover, he beamed at the headmaster, flipping a hand away from his forehead in a mock-salute, 'Afternoon professor, I imagine you've had a good day so far?'

Letting his duffel bag fall to just above the floor, he moved towards a seat generally close to the others, unable to resist the oppurtunity of throwing a quick; 'Gorgeous hat, mate,' at the guy on his way, raising a dark eyebrow.

Sliding himself into a chair, he kicked his bag under the desk, clasping his arms behind his head as he waited for the other students to make their way in.
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