Hey guys, I got my power back late last night and the internet was finally up and running today. Nik, thanks for the concern. When I got home it was a nice and tosty 70 degrees as opposed to the 34 degrees in the house when I left to go to my mother-in-laws house. Anyway, I had my computer over there but she doesn't have wireless so I couldn't get access to my story. Here's the next post like you've been wanting. There's only 3 chapters left. I'm still re-writing the final chapter, and then I'm going to start a new story (i think). Enjoy.
~Tori ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Chapter 37: Meet The Family Severus rolled his eyes. “Tori, meet Christobal Di Matteo, my cousin. Christobal, I see you already know who Tori is, but for the record, Tori Bloom, my fiancé.”
The little man clapped his hands enthusiastically.
“I knew it, I knew it! As soon as I saw that picture in the Daily Prophet I knew you had found your other half.”
Tori raised an eyebrow when she looked at Severus; she certainly had not expected this kind of welcome!
Severus mumbled: “Never mind him, he’s the family geek.”
“I heard that cousin Severus!” he sounded hurt, but the twinkle in his eye gave away his amusement.
“Come, my mother is looking forward to seeing you again and would want to meet your lovely bride, oh, she will be thrilled! I must say we were quite worried when you didn’t show up for your annual holiday last July. We were ever so proud when we learned what you did at Halloween.”
They followed him through an enormous hall and entered a cozy sitting room. Tori rather liked their host. He was a funny character and his babbling made her feel comfortable in some way.
“We were most surprised when Albus’ head appeared in our fireplace earlier this evening. He told us you were here on Malta and couldn’t find a way home. He assumed you would come here and wanted you to know that he doesn’t expect you back until Christmas. Your interrupted celebration will take place at Hogwarts during the Christmas banquet. He says all students will be present for that special occasion. Don’t you just love the guy?” He winked at Tori. “And of course you need some time to rest, especially with a baby on the way.”
Tori almost choked. “Eh, Albus told you?”
Christobal shot a quick glance at Severus. “Not exactly…Tori, how much did Severus tell you about his family?”
She saw Severus was getting uneasy. “Um…not much.”
“I see. Shame on you cousin!” After he shot a dark glance at Severus he turned back to Tori. “You must think I’m a freaking lunatic! Let me tell you a little bit about the Di Matteo family.” Tori was all ears now and didn’t even notice Severus was leaving the room.
“Well, where shall I begin? Let me see…right. Maltese wizards are kind of special. Our magical powers go way back. I take it you know about Stonehenge in England? Well, we have several similar pre-historical sights here on Malta, all wizard-related, but the archeologists don’t know that of course. These sites were constructed near ritual grounds to perform magical ceremonies. That’s where we come in. Ahem, no, not exactly…err…what I’m trying to say is that in every generation, a wizard-priest is born into each Maltese wizard family. I am the current Di Matteo-priest and as soon as my gift became clear, I was sent off to a special school for wizard-priests, a lot like your Hogwarts actually. Don’t ask me to tell you its name or where it’s located, for I am not allowed to tell you. Anyway, because of my training and my gift, I know and sense things other wizards cannot. No one had to tell me you are an expecting mother and cousin Severus is the proud father.”
Tori tried to understand, but something was bugging her.
“If wizard priests are so special like you say, why weren’t they included in the fight against Voldemort?”
He sighed deeply. “Well, would it make you feel better to know that the Aurors are trained by priests? Guiding the Aurors was the only thing we could do to help. You must understand, becoming a wizard-priest is a very difficult and hazardous task. It involves some incredibly complex magic, many of it related to the Dark Arts. There is a thin line between the white magic of a priest and the dark power of a Death Eater. The Ministry would not take the risk of loosing even one priest to the dark side, whether it was by own choice or by force. One priest turning to the dark side would have a bigger impact than ten Voldemorts. I think you know Severus was a Death Eater? I’ve always feared he was more susceptible to Voldemort’s attraction because the blood of the Di Matteo priests runs through his veins. It can be a terrible burden.” He sighed again and looked at her, smiling. “I’m going to leave it there for now, before I loose myself in complaints about my tasks in life. If you have any more questions about the family, don’t hesitate to ask, I know my cousin very well and I know he doesn’t like to talk about himself.”
Tori smiled. “I always thought he must have had a terrible childhood and that was the reason why he became a Death Eater. Silly, no?”
Christobal cleared his throat. “Well, that’s not totally besides the truth. It’s not really my story to tell, but I think you have to know so you can be prepared when Severus brings it up, and I suspect he will, in time. My Aunt Maria, his mother, and Llewellyn, his father, were both killed by a dragon when he was barely 6 years old.”
Tori spread her eyes and dropped her mouth, but let him continue.
“He has lived with us ever since and his childhood was a rather happy one, however, I don’t think one can ever forget the image of one’s parents being devoured by a monster.”
“He SAW it?” Tori’s eyes widened in astonishment.
“Alas, yes. My father had gone after them, but he came too late and was only able to save Severus. Foolish, Llewellyn, he always wanted to fight dragons to prove himself worthy to be married to a member of our family and by doing so he destroyed his own family.”
“Why dragons?”
“Most of our ancestors were knights, you know, the Order of St. John?”
Tori nodded. “Yes, Severus told me about the Grand Master.”
“Oh, did he? I’m glad he told you that much at least. Well, our famous Di Matteo Grand Master reportedly killed some nasty dragon in the late Middle Ages – early Renaissance period. His sword is still on display in the Grand Master’s Palace.”
“Severus killed Lucius Malfoy tonight, with a sword.”
“With a sword you say?” Christobal chuckled. “So he did learn something from following me around.” Then he paused. “As for Malfoy: about time, I’d say.”
The playful look in Christobal’s eyes had totally disappeared and if she ever thought he resembled Snape…his face was a spitting image of Snape’s right now.
“You knew him?”
“Not in person, but I know enough ABOUT him to be more than happy that he’s gone.”
“Never forget, I’m a wizard first and foremost, and he was the one that dragged Severus into that Death Eater-rubbish. Maybe we don’t always act like it, but Severus and I are very close.”
“Oh, I could tell that. You’re constantly at each other’s throats, but you cannot hide your love for one another.”
“I guess you’re right about that. We’re about the same age and I was the first person he actually confided in after the incident with his parents. I remember him telling me he was glad I was going to be a priest because then I wouldn’t run off and get killed by dragons.”
“Oh, that’s so sad!”
“Indeed. I know it should have been up to Severus to tell you this, but I think it’s still too difficult for him, even after all these years. Maybe now that you know, you’ll understand why he’s so reluctant to show his emotions. His deepest fear is being left alone again, or worse: bringing harm to his loved ones. After all, if it hadn’t been for him – a child slowing them down – his parents might have been able to escape. Never underestimate a child’s feeling of guilt.”
She nodded. What Christobal had told her was just awful and she couldn’t even imagine how he must have felt! She needed to go see him, not knowing what to say, but she desperately wanted to be with him and hold him.
“He’s with my mother at the moment, but I think your rooms should be ready by now. I have extended the guest quarters for your stay. You are in the Blue Room.”
Tori was familiar with the housing of wizard families ever since she had visited the Weasley’s. Even though the palacio had looked big from outside, she knew it could never contain enough space for the entire family that seemed to be living here.
After Christobal informed her that breakfast would be served at nine, she wished him goodnight and went up to look for her room. When she saw a door with a golden label saying ‘Blue Room’, she entered. Severus was already there.
“I take it Christobal has told you about my parents?” He was very pale and looked a bit insecure. She ran to him and threw her arms around him.
“Oh Severus, it must have been so horrible!”
“I’m sorry I’ve never had the guts to tell you. You must feel that I don’t think very highly of you.” He said in a shaky voice.
She kissed him and patted him on the back. “Of course I understand. I wouldn’t expect you to make love to me and then go ‘oh, by the way, did I tell you…’ No, I believe you would have told me when the time was right and I think I will want to hear it from you the way you experienced it, but that doesn’t have to be now. Take all the time you need. When your ready, I’ll be there for you.
He leaned against her and she rocked him, holding him tight. They sat like that for a while, and then he stood up.
“Well, what do you think of my family so far?”
“Well…I’ve only met Christobal and if he’s anything to go on, I’d say they’re pretty wonderful. Is he always that energetic?”
He smiled. “Oh yes, he reminds me a lot of Flitwick.”
She giggled. “Yes, completely! But he looks more like you though.”
“Hmmm, are you trying to let me know gently that I need to go on a diet?”
“No way, silly. You’re perfect just the way you are. I just meant his hair and his eyes!”
“Ahaaa…well, I’d better be off now. They gave me the Amber Room.”
She looked up. “You mean you’re not staying?”
“Oh no, I wouldn’t want to vex my aunt. Remember, Malta is veeeeeery Catholic and they don’t like an unmarried couple to spend the night together.”
“Um…isn’t it a bit late for that? Besides, they’re wizards, what would they care about Catholic beliefs!”
“I know, I know, and believe me, I’ve been begging for the last half hour to let me stay with you, but it’s like talking to a brick wall with that woman!”
Tori laughed. “Can’t you sneak back in?”
“Are you crazy? With a wizard-priest around? Christobal would know I was here before you did! And believe me; he would be more than happy to tell his mother that his beloved cousin was defying her orders.”
“You make it sound like she’s the aunt from hell!”
He mumbled something like “very much so”, but then he grabbed her and a spark lit his usually cold eyes.
“Unless…we get married as soon as possible.”
Tori opened her mouth. “You mean…”
“Tomorrow! Christobal can perform the ceremony…” but she interrupted him.
“Wow Severus, aren’t you going a bit too fast here? I thought we agreed not to hurry the wedding?”
“Yes I know, but…”
“Have you changed your mind because of the baby?” She didn’t like this even a little bit; she wouldn’t want him to marry her for the baby’s sake.
“No of course not, I could care less about the baby…” and then seeing the horrified look on her face he corrected: “Err, that didn’t come out the way I meant it to.”
“Hmmm…I see.” She gave him a fierce look and for a moment he thought he had ruined it, but then she laughed. “You should see your face! Severus, I know you want the baby, believe me, you’ve made it quite clear already, and thanks for reassuring me that you’re not marrying me because you feel you have to do the right thing. It’s just that when you suggested to get married tomorrow, it kind of sounded like that to me.”
“Ah, I can clear that up for you if you’d like.” She looked at him in anticipation.
“Go on. I’m waiting.”
“My dear Tori, if I say I want to marry you tomorrow, I say this because: A. We are on one of the most romantic islands I know of, surrounded my by family AND in the presence of a wizard-priest, B. We have a few days off to enjoy a honeymoon, which we otherwise would have to postpone until after the baby is born and then we would have to leave him or her behind somewhere and most importantly C. because I won’t be able to keep my hands off of you for one more day. Now, what do you say?”
She laughed her head off and managed to giggle: “That you’re totally insane and I love you to pieces.”
Then she jumped into his arms, gave him a sloppy kiss and cried out: “Yes I’ll marry you tomorrow, you crazy professor. Now go to your room or I’ll have to spank you!”
“Is that a promise?” he laughed and closed the door on his way out before she could throw one of the sofa’s cushions towards him.