It appears that Moaning Myrtle thinks Headmaster Bontecou is cute:
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"Oooh, you don't look like Dumbledore," Myrtle murmured, twirling one of her pigtails with a pale finger. She batted her eyelashes at the young Headmaster, thinking that any man with spectacles like that would have be sensitive to her cause.
"I like your glasses," she said in her sweetest, most innocent tone, floating up to his face for a closer look.
It also appears that Myrtle and Peeves are mortal enemies:
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Myrtle batted her eyelashes at the Headmaster some more. She opened her round mouth to say something when AHEM, some bothersome students and another professor had to barge in. Oh nargles.
Then she heard him. Peeves. The Poltergeist. Her, well, the only ghost that could be more annoying and attention-stealing than Myrtle herself.
"Eww," she piped up, peeking up from behind the Headmaster's desk to stare at Peeves. "Who let you in?"