SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady
Note: You still have until Wednesday February 4, to get your assignments in, but I have been flooded with assignments turned in and am going to start posting the points in as I get them. Good job, guys! Muggle Studies Leaderboard Lesson 1 Homework Gryffindor:
SweetAussie - 30 (exceptional pictures!)
griffin_girl - 30 (great choices!)
hannah_bry27 - 30 (excellent work!)
Loki - 30 (exceptional effort)
Zeke_Weasley - 30 (outstanding)
ginny_first_year_pureblood - 30 (very detailed)
Blondie87 - 30 (good choice of photos)
Herminny - 30 (good use of pics)
druidflower - 30 (excellent work)
Anony_Miss - 30 (good illustrations)
Kao.Doodle - 25 (great work!)
platapuss34 - 25 (descriptive)
Alexa Black - 25 (very good detail!)
MUSTANG SALLY - 25 (good descriptions!)
nymphadora_nat - 25 (nice job!)
Miss Lissy Lou - 25 (well written)
geraldinechang - 25 (nice work!)
phoenix_tears - 20
nytingale - 20
cashdoubleena - 20
Hermione Stranger - 20
Legolas - 20
fish_kid - 20
expectopatronum - 20
Shopgirl13876 - 20
HPobsession33 - 20
Eclipsed - 20
roey - 20
Anna Banana - 20
KatieTessa - 20
DanialRadFAN01 - 20
potterfan180 - 18 Hufflepuff:
LadyNerd - 30 (good research and work!)
Mrs. Weasley - 30 (fantastic job!)
Meredith Rodney McKay - 30 (nice pictures)
mathi - 30 (outstanding job!)
Dances_With_Potter - 30 (excellent pictures)
Flipper - 30 (love the outfits!)
aussiegirl - 30 (excellent pictures)
kami12 - 25 )good work!)
D.A Forever - 25 (wonderful job)
Leeness - 25 (good descriptions)
Thumper - 25 (for description)
Rachie...x - 23 (good job)
Whitterz - 23 (details good)
Zoerawrr - 22 (nice!)
beautifulmine - 20
Ms. Diggory - 20
hufflepuff_keeper_11 - 20
darkwizard58 - 20
suzy18 - 20
hpluvr037 - 20
kerryleanne - 20
Hedwig18 - 20
PhoenixRising - 20
Becky - 20
liammoiser - 20
snitCHchASER - 15 Ravenclaw:
Celandine - 30 (exceptional!)
Padie - 30 (wonderful job)
fire_faerie - 30 (excellent)
H_Grainger1322 - 30 (excellent attention to detail)
Torchwood - 25 (good job)
jesusfr33ke2010 - 25 (good descriptions)
Ginevra - 25 (great details)
Monkey Princess - 25 (excellent details)
potterhead23 - 25 (very nice)
Nymphadoraliz - 25 (good pic)
Grangerfn1 - 25 (very nice job!)
Cassirin - 25 (very nice job!)
SilverTiger - 25 (good work)
prongs1295 - 25 (excellent work)
Oesed - 25 (excellent detail)
Mad Eye Touz - 25 (loved it!)
fabula puella - 20
Yaya - 20
Waddles - 20
parvatifan - 20
Danny Boy -20
kaZombie - 20
Riverlynn - 20
Blackneon - 20
worldin - 20
noneworld - 20
Cristygen - 20 Slytherin:
Waterloo - 30 (great detail)
Amira With a C - 30 (great pics)
Crayola - 25 (details!)
Esme - 25 (great job)
deviljo8586 -25 (nice picture)
10DesmondsDaughter14 - 25 (good work)
Jenster - 25 (well done!)
Tomasina Riddle - 25 (good job!)
HG_forever - 20
Kaytee Bee - 20
Touchdown King - 20
Abi - 20
Japanese Wizard - 20
Balvir - 20
Aomidori - 20
OoOvampire6460o0 - 20
RonIsMyMan - 20
draco'sgirl617 - 20
iluvfob13 - 20
SalazarHeir - 20
Hollister - 20
Last edited by Slytherin Fox; 02-05-2009 at 05:12 PM.