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Old 01-29-2009, 06:20 AM   #41 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SweetAussie View Post
Agie smiled politly at Cayden but did not answer due to the fact that he had already walked off and that is when she noticed PARIS. "I didn't think they allowed dogs in the classrooms." Agie whispered to lyra, trying not to giggle.

After a few breaths and when Agie had controlled the giggled she turned her attention back to Lyra. "Oh, I know. I like it too. We may actually learn something worth knowing this year." She said, with another glance at Paris. "Shame this class is letting the young ones in."
Patricia was minding her own business when she overheard a comment that was out of line. She turned head to see who had the gall to say that the 'young ones' shouldn't be allowed in Transfiguration. 'Who said we shouldn't be allowed here?' she hissed to the older students across the room.
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