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Freya ignored his first question this time, "Your body has been through a lot of stress today. Breaks and fractures, possible strain, and you probably used half of your energy just to climb the tree that started all these problems. You need to rest so that you can heal properly, no sense in being exhausted on top of bruised and battered." She took out a second quill and notepad and wrote a few sentences. "If you go to sleep I'll stick around here for a while and read my book until the healer has seen to you." Freya said as straight to the point as possible.
Nathaniel ran his hand through his shaggy black hair
"I guess so. Wouldn't hurt to sleep for a little while." he said wishing he could lay on his stomach.
"I don't like being cooped up and not being outside. It sucks a lot.". He looked at her writing
"What are you writing anywa..." he had trailed off and fallen asleep.